Discovery of an Unconventional Quantum Echo by Interference of Higgs
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- Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 03:39:17 GMT
- Title: Discovery of an Unconventional Quantum Echo by Interference of Higgs
- Authors: C. Huang, M. Mootz, L. Luo, D. Cheng, J. M. Park, R. H. J. Kim, Y.
Qiang, V. L. Quito, Yongxin Yao, P. P. Orth, I. E. Perakis and J. Wang
- Abstract summary: A terahertz pulse-pair modulation of the superconducting gap generates a "time grating" of coherent Higgs population.
These manifestations appear as Higgs echo spectral peaks occurring at frequencies forbidden by equilibrium particle-hole symmetry.
The Higgs interference and anharmonicity control the decoherence of driven superconductivity.
- Score: 0.6364409691582438
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- Abstract: Nonlinearities in quantum systems are fundamentally characterized by the
interplay of phase coherences, their interference, and state transition
amplitudes. Yet the question of how quantum coherence and interference manifest
in transient, massive Higgs excitations, prevalent within both the quantum
vacuum and superconductors, remains elusive. One hallmark example is photon
echo, enabled by the generation, preservation, and retrieval of phase
coherences amid multiple excitations. Here we reveal an unconventional quantum
echo arising from the Higgs coherence in superconductors, and identify
distinctive signatures attributed to Higgs anharmonicity. A terahertz
pulse-pair modulation of the superconducting gap generates a "time grating" of
coherent Higgs population, which scatters echo signals distinct from
conventional spin- and photon-echoes in atoms and semiconductors. These
manifestations appear as Higgs echo spectral peaks occurring at frequencies
forbidden by equilibrium particle-hole symmetry, an asymmetric delay in the
echo formation from the dynamics of the "reactive" superconducting state, and
negative time signals arising from Higgs-quasiparticle anharmonic coupling. The
Higgs interference and anharmonicity control the decoherence of driven
superconductivity and may enable applications in quantum memory and
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