Composite cores of monopoles and Alice rings in spin-2 Bose-Einstein
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- Date: Mon, 8 Jan 2024 18:59:06 GMT
- Title: Composite cores of monopoles and Alice rings in spin-2 Bose-Einstein
- Authors: Giuseppe Baio, Magnus O. Borgh
- Abstract summary: We show that energy relaxation causes a point defect in the uniaxial-nematic phase of a spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensate to deform into a spin-Alice ring.
An outer biaxial-nematic core exhibits a spin half-quantum vortex structure with a uniaxial-nematic inner core.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We show that energy relaxation causes a point defect in the uniaxial-nematic
phase of a spin-2 Bose-Einstein condensate to deform into a spin-Alice ring
that exhibits a composite core structure with distinct topology at short and
long distances from the singular line. An outer biaxial-nematic core exhibits a
spin half-quantum vortex structure with a uniaxial-nematic inner core. By
numerical simulation we demonstrate a dynamical oscillation between the
spin-Alice ring and a split-core hedgehog configuration via the appearance of
ferromagnetic rings with associated vorticity inside an extended core region.
We further show that a similar dynamics is exhibited by a spin-Alice ring
surrounding a spin-vortex line resulting from the relaxation of a monopole
situated on a spin-vortex line in the biaxial-nematic phase. In the cyclic
phase similar states are shown instead to form extended phase-mixing cores
containing rings with fractional mass circulation or cores whose spatial shape
reflect the order-parameter symmetry of cyclic inner core, depending on the
initial configuration.
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