論文の概要: AGSPNet: A framework for parcel-scale crop fine-grained semantic change
detection from UAV high-resolution imagery with agricultural geographic scene
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2401.06252v1
- Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2024 20:47:28 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-01-15 20:56:12.817034
- Title: AGSPNet: A framework for parcel-scale crop fine-grained semantic change
detection from UAV high-resolution imagery with agricultural geographic scene
- Title(参考訳): agspnet:農業用地形制約付きuav高分解能画像からのパーセルスケール作物の細粒度意味変化検出のためのフレームワーク
- Authors: Shaochun Li, Yanjun Wang, Hengfan Cai, Lina Deng, Yunhao Lin
- Abstract要約: 本稿では,農業の地理的景観と農業用大規模制約付きSCDフレームワーク(AGSPNet)を提案する。
以上の結果から,AGSPNet の収穫 SCD は,他の深層学習 SCD モデルよりも,量と品質の点で一貫して優れていた。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 1.9151076515142376
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Real-time and accurate information on fine-grained changes in crop
cultivation is of great significance for crop growth monitoring, yield
prediction and agricultural structure adjustment. Aiming at the problems of
serious spectral confusion in visible high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle
(UAV) images of different phases, interference of large complex background and
salt-and-pepper noise by existing semantic change detection (SCD) algorithms,
in order to effectively extract deep image features of crops and meet the
demand of agricultural practical engineering applications, this paper designs
and proposes an agricultural geographic scene and parcel-scale constrained SCD
framework for crops (AGSPNet). AGSPNet framework contains three parts:
agricultural geographic scene (AGS) division module, parcel edge extraction
module and crop SCD module. Meanwhile, we produce and introduce an UAV image
SCD dataset (CSCD) dedicated to agricultural monitoring, encompassing multiple
semantic variation types of crops in complex geographical scene. We conduct
comparative experiments and accuracy evaluations in two test areas of this
dataset, and the results show that the crop SCD results of AGSPNet consistently
outperform other deep learning SCD models in terms of quantity and quality,
with the evaluation metrics F1-score, kappa, OA, and mIoU obtaining
improvements of 0.038, 0.021, 0.011 and 0.062, respectively, on average over
the sub-optimal method. The method proposed in this paper can clearly detect
the fine-grained change information of crop types in complex scenes, which can
provide scientific and technical support for smart agriculture monitoring and
management, food policy formulation and food security assurance.
- Abstract(参考訳): 作物栽培の細粒度変化に関するリアルタイムかつ正確な情報は,作物生育モニタリング,収量予測,農業構造調整において非常に重要である。
Aiming at the problems of serious spectral confusion in visible high-resolution unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images of different phases, interference of large complex background and salt-and-pepper noise by existing semantic change detection (SCD) algorithms, in order to effectively extract deep image features of crops and meet the demand of agricultural practical engineering applications, this paper designs and proposes an agricultural geographic scene and parcel-scale constrained SCD framework for crops (AGSPNet).
本稿では, 複雑な環境下での作物の粒度変化情報を明確に検出し, スマート農業のモニタリングと管理, 食料政策の定式化, 食品安全保証の科学的, 技術的支援を提供する。
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