Room-temperature ladder-type optical memory compatible with single
photons from InGaAs quantum dots
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- Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 16:41:34 GMT
- Title: Room-temperature ladder-type optical memory compatible with single
photons from InGaAs quantum dots
- Authors: Benjamin Maa{\ss}, Norman Vincenz Ewald, Avijit Barua, Stephan
Reitzenstein, Janik Wolters
- Abstract summary: We experimentally realize a room-temperature ladder-type atomic vapor memory that operates on the Cs D1 line.
The memory achieves a maximum internal storage efficiency of $eta_textint=15(1)%$.
These results provide clear prospects for the development of a heterogeneous on-demand quantum light interface.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: On-demand storage and retrieval of quantum information in coherent
light-matter interfaces is a key requirement for future quantum networking and
quantum communication applications. Alkali vapor memories offer scalable and
robust high-bandwidth storage at high repetition rates which makes them a
natural fit to interface with solid-state single-photon sources. Here, we
experimentally realize a room-temperature ladder-type atomic vapor memory that
operates on the Cs D1 line. We provide a detailed experimental characterization
and demonstration of on-demand storage and retrieval of weak coherent laser
pulses with 0.06 photons per pulse at a high signal-to-noise ratio of
SNR$=830(80)$. The memory achieves a maximum internal storage efficiency of
$\eta_{\text{int}}=15(1)\%$ and an estimated $1/e$-storage time of
$\tau_{\mathrm{s}}\approx32\,$ns. Benchmark properties for the storage of
single photons from inhomogeneously broadened state-of-the-art solid-state
emitters are estimated from the performance of the memory. Together with the
immediate availability of high-quality InGaAs quantum dots emitting at 895\,nm,
these results provide clear prospects for the development of a heterogeneous
on-demand quantum light interface.
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