Optically detected magnetic resonance study of thermal effects due to absorbing environment around nitrogen-vacancy-nanodiamond powders
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.01120v1
- Date: Thu, 2 May 2024 09:30:52 GMT
- Title: Optically detected magnetic resonance study of thermal effects due to absorbing environment around nitrogen-vacancy-nanodiamond powders
- Authors: Mona Jani, Zuzanna Orzechowska, Mariusz Mrozek, Marzena Mitura-Nowak, Wojciech Gawlik, Adam M. Wojciechowski,
- Abstract summary: In Raman spectra, we observed a blue shift of the NV$-$ peak associated with the conversion of the electronic sp$3$ configuration to the disordered sp$2$ one typical for the carbon/graphite structure.
In the ODMR spectra, we observed a red shift of the resonance position caused by local heating by an absorptive environment that recovers after annealing.
This surprisingly large shift is absent in non-irradiated NV-ND powders, is associated only with the modification of the local temperature by the absorptive environment of NV-NDs and can be studied using OD
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We implanted Fe$^+$ ions in nanodiamond (ND) powder containing negatively charged nitrogen-vacancy (NV-) centers and studied their Raman spectra and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) in various applied magnetic fields with green light (532 nm) excitation. In Raman spectra, we observed a blue shift of the NV$^-$ peak associated with the conversion of the electronic sp$^3$ configuration to the disordered sp$^2$ one typical for the carbon/graphite structure. In the ODMR spectra, we observed a red shift of the resonance position caused by local heating by an absorptive environment that recovers after annealing. To reveal the red shift mechanism in ODMR, we created a controlled absorptive environment around ND by adding iron-based Fe$_2$O$_3$ and graphitic sp$^2$ powders to the ND suspension. This admixture caused a substantial increase in the observed shift proportional to the applied laser power, corresponding to an increase in the local temperature by 150-180 K. This surprisingly large shift is absent in non-irradiated NV-ND powders, is associated only with the modification of the local temperature by the absorptive environment of NV-NDs and can be studied using ODMR signals of NV$^-$.
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