Multi-order Graph Clustering with Adaptive Node-level Weight Learning
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- Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 17:09:58 GMT
- Title: Multi-order Graph Clustering with Adaptive Node-level Weight Learning
- Authors: Ye Liu, Xuelei Lin, Yejia Chen, Reynold Cheng,
- Abstract summary: We propose a multi-order graph clustering model (MOGC) to integrate multiple higher-order structures and edge connections at node level.
MOGC employs an adaptive weight learning mechanism to adjust the contributions of different motifs for each node.
Experiments on seven real-world datasets illustrate the effectiveness of MOGC.
- Score: 8.975255910740646
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- Abstract: Current graph clustering methods emphasize individual node and edge con nections, while ignoring higher-order organization at the level of motif. Re cently, higher-order graph clustering approaches have been designed by motif based hypergraphs. However, these approaches often suffer from hypergraph fragmentation issue seriously, which degrades the clustering performance greatly. Moreover, real-world graphs usually contain diverse motifs, with nodes participating in multiple motifs. A key challenge is how to achieve precise clustering results by integrating information from multiple motifs at the node level. In this paper, we propose a multi-order graph clustering model (MOGC) to integrate multiple higher-order structures and edge connections at node level. MOGC employs an adaptive weight learning mechanism to au tomatically adjust the contributions of different motifs for each node. This not only tackles hypergraph fragmentation issue but enhances clustering accuracy. MOGC is efficiently solved by an alternating minimization algo rithm. Experiments on seven real-world datasets illustrate the effectiveness of MOGC.
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