論文の概要: Directed Metric Structures arising in Large Language Models
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2405.12264v1
- Date: Mon, 20 May 2024 17:16:27 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-05-22 15:17:08.582929
- Title: Directed Metric Structures arising in Large Language Models
- Title(参考訳): 大規模言語モデルにおける方向付きメトリック構造
- Authors: Stéphane Gaubert, Yiannis Vlassopoulos,
- Abstract要約: テキスト拡張の条件付き確率分布によって定義される数学的構造を求める。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Large Language Models are transformer neural networks which are trained to produce a probability distribution on the possible next words to given texts in a corpus, in such a way that the most likely word predicted is the actual word in the training text. In this paper we find what is the mathematical structure defined by such conditional probability distributions of text extensions. Changing the view point from probabilities to -log probabilities we observe that the subtext order is completely encoded in a metric structure defined on the space of texts $\mathcal{L}$, by -log probabilities. We then construct a metric polyhedron $P(\mathcal{L})$ and an isometric embedding (called Yoneda embedding) of $\mathcal{L}$ into $P(\mathcal{L})$ such that texts map to generators of certain special extremal rays. We explain that $P(\mathcal{L})$ is a $(\min,+)$ (tropical) linear span of these extremal ray generators. The generators also satisfy a system of $(\min+)$ linear equations. We then show that $P(\mathcal{L})$ is compatible with adding more text and from this we derive an approximation of a text vector as a Boltzmann weighted linear combination of the vectors for words in that text. We then prove a duality theorem showing that texts extensions and text restrictions give isometric polyhedra (even though they look a priory very different). Moreover we prove that $P(\mathcal{L})$ is the lattice closure of (a version of) the so called, Isbell completion of $\mathcal{L}$ which turns out to be the $(\max,+)$ span of the text extremal ray generators. All constructions have interpretations in category theory but we don't use category theory explicitly. The categorical interpretations are briefly explained in an appendix. In the final appendix we describe how the syntax to semantics problem could fit in a general well known mathematical duality.
- Abstract(参考訳): 大規模言語モデルは、コーパス内の与えられたテキストに対して、可能な次の単語の確率分布を生成するように訓練されたトランスフォーマーニューラルネットワークである。
確率から-log確率への視点の変更 私たちは、サブテキストの順序が、-log確率によって$\mathcal{L}$というテキストの空間で定義されたメートル法構造に完全にエンコードされていることを観察する。
次に、計量ポリヘドロン $P(\mathcal{L})$ と $\mathcal{L}$ を $P(\mathcal{L})$ に等尺埋め込み( Yoneda embedding)し、テキストが特定の極端線の生成元にマップするように構成する。
さらに、$P(\mathcal{L})$ はいわゆる (あるバージョンの) の格子閉包であり、$\mathcal{L}$ は extremal ray generators の $(\max,+)$ であることを示す。
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