Supersonic OT: Fast Unconditionally Secure Oblivious Transfer
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- Date: Sun, 25 Aug 2024 12:39:05 GMT
- Title: Supersonic OT: Fast Unconditionally Secure Oblivious Transfer
- Authors: Aydin Abadi, Yvo Desmedt,
- Abstract summary: Supersonic OT is a highly efficient and unconditionally secure cryptographic protocol.
A single instance of Supersonic OT completes in 0.35 milliseconds, making it up to 2000 times faster than the state-of-the-art base OT.
- Score: 1.90298817989995
- License:
- Abstract: Oblivious Transfer (OT) is a fundamental cryptographic protocol with applications in secure Multi-Party Computation, Federated Learning, and Private Set Intersection. With the advent of quantum computing, it is crucial to develop unconditionally secure core primitives like OT to ensure their continued security in the post-quantum era. Despite over four decades since OT's introduction, the literature has predominantly relied on computational assumptions, except in cases using unconventional methods like noisy channels or a fully trusted party. Introducing "Supersonic OT", a highly efficient and unconditionally secure OT scheme that avoids public-key-based primitives, we offer an alternative to traditional approaches. Supersonic OT enables a receiver to obtain a response of size O(1). Its simple (yet non-trivial) design facilitates easy security analysis and implementation. The protocol employs a basic secret-sharing scheme, controlled swaps, the one-time pad, and a third-party helper who may be corrupted by a semi-honest adversary. Our implementation and runtime analysis indicate that a single instance of Supersonic OT completes in 0.35 milliseconds, making it up to 2000 times faster than the state-of-the-art base OT.
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