Random unitaries in extremely low depth
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2407.07754v1
- Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 15:27:48 GMT
- Title: Random unitaries in extremely low depth
- Authors: Thomas Schuster, Jonas Haferkamp, Hsin-Yuan Huang,
- Abstract summary: We prove that random quantum circuits on any geometry, including a 1D line, can form approximate unitary designs over $n$ qubits in $log n$ depth.
In a similar manner, we construct pseudorandom unitaries (PRUs) in 1D circuits in $textpoly log n $ depth, and in all-to-all-connected circuits in $textpoly log log n $ depth.
- Score: 0.8680580889074451
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
- Abstract: We prove that random quantum circuits on any geometry, including a 1D line, can form approximate unitary designs over $n$ qubits in $\log n$ depth. In a similar manner, we construct pseudorandom unitaries (PRUs) in 1D circuits in $\text{poly} \log n $ depth, and in all-to-all-connected circuits in $\text{poly} \log \log n $ depth. In all three cases, the $n$ dependence is optimal and improves exponentially over known results. These shallow quantum circuits have low complexity and create only short-range entanglement, yet are indistinguishable from unitaries with exponential complexity. Our construction glues local random unitaries on $\log n$-sized or $\text{poly} \log n$-sized patches of qubits to form a global random unitary on all $n$ qubits. In the case of designs, the local unitaries are drawn from existing constructions of approximate unitary $k$-designs, and hence also inherit an optimal scaling in $k$. In the case of PRUs, the local unitaries are drawn from existing unitary ensembles conjectured to form PRUs. Applications of our results include proving that classical shadows with 1D log-depth Clifford circuits are as powerful as those with deep circuits, demonstrating superpolynomial quantum advantage in learning low-complexity physical systems, and establishing quantum hardness for recognizing phases of matter with topological order.
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