Bethe-ansatz diagonalization of steady state of boundary driven integrable spin chains
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- Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2024 22:28:34 GMT
- Title: Bethe-ansatz diagonalization of steady state of boundary driven integrable spin chains
- Authors: Vladislav Popkov, Xin Zhang, Carlo Presilla, Tomaz Prosen,
- Abstract summary: We find that the non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) of integrable spin chains undergoing boundary dissipation, can be described in terms of quasiparticles.
The spectrum of the NESS is then fully accounted for by Bethe ansatz equations for a related coherent system.
- Score: 1.995329933855084
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- Abstract: We find that the non-equilibrium steady state (NESS) of integrable spin chains undergoing boundary dissipation, can be described in terms of quasiparticles, with renormalized -- dissipatively dressed -- dispersion relation. The spectrum of the NESS is then fully accounted for by Bethe ansatz equations for a related coherent system, described by a dissipation-projected Hamiltonian of the original system. We find explicit analytic expressions for the dressed energies of $XXX$ and $XXZ$ models with effective, i.e., induced by the dissipation, diagonal boundary fields, which are U(1) invariant, as well as XXZ and XYZ models with effective non-diagonal boundary fields. In all cases, the dissipative dressing generates an extra singularity in the dispersion relation, which strongly modifies the nonequilibrium steady state spectrum with respect to the spectrum of the corresponding coherent model. This leads, in particular, to a dissipation-assisted entropy reduction, due to the suppression in the NESS spectrum of plain wave-type Bethe states in favor of Bethe states localized at the boundaries.
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