Relaxing towards generalized one-body Boltzmann states
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- Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 13:13:59 GMT
- Title: Relaxing towards generalized one-body Boltzmann states
- Authors: Sheng-Wen Li, Ning Wu,
- Abstract summary: Isolated quantum systems follow the reversible unitary evolution.
We study the local relaxation process in an isolated chain consisting of emphN three level systems.
- Score: 8.492309089637512
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- Abstract: Isolated quantum systems follow the reversible unitary evolution; if we focus on the dynamics of local states and observables, they exhibit the irreversible relaxation behaviors. Here we study the local relaxation process in an isolated chain consisting of \emph{N} three level systems. Though the entropy of the full many body state keeps a constant, it turns out the total correlation of this system approximately exhibits a monotonically increasing behavior. More importantly, a variation analysis shows that, the total correlation entropy would achieve its theoretical maximum when each site stays in a generalized one-body Boltzmann state, which is not solely determined by the energy but also depends on the spin value of each onsite level. It turns out such a theoretical correlation maximum is highly coincident with the result obtained from the exact time dependent evolution. In this sense, the total correlation entropy well serves as an indicator for the dynamical irreversibility of the nonequilibrium relaxation in this isolated system.
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