Stochastic Metric Fluctuations and Detection of Gravitons
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- Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2024 20:11:29 GMT
- Title: Stochastic Metric Fluctuations and Detection of Gravitons
- Authors: John W. Moffat,
- Abstract summary: We will propose a way to detect gravitons by replicating the Brownian motion experiment.
The Bose-Einstein occupation number $N_g$ for gravitons can be large enough to be the particle components of the gravitational random metric fluctuations in a physical system.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: A stochastic gravity in which the spacetime metric is a random variable and the spacetime manifold is a fluctuating physical system at a certain length scale is investigated. We will propose a way to detect gravitons by replicating the Brownian motion experiment. The Bose-Einstein occupation number $N_g$ for gravitons can be large enough to be the particle components of the gravitational random metric fluctuations in a physical system. The stochastic gravitational noise produced by the gravitons displaces a massive test particle in a physical system, allowing for the detection of gravitons. Possible experiments to detect gravitons are proposed involving collective stochastic fluctuations of a large number of gravitons causing a Brownian motion displacement $\Delta x$ of a massive test body. Gravitational wave experiments involving advanced interferometer techniques and mirrors could detect the large collective number of gravitons, and could detect Brownian motion of test particles in the detectors component mirrors. The problem of reducing thermal and other background noise is investigated.
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