論文の概要: Joint image reconstruction and segmentation of real-time cardiac MRI in free-breathing using a model based on disentangled representation learning
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2409.08619v1
- Date: Fri, 13 Sep 2024 08:17:51 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-09-16 17:18:35.849410
- Title: Joint image reconstruction and segmentation of real-time cardiac MRI in free-breathing using a model based on disentangled representation learning
- Title(参考訳): 不整合表現学習モデルを用いた自由呼吸におけるリアルタイム心磁図の同時再構成とセグメント化
- Authors: Tobias Wech, Oliver Schad, Simon Sauer, Jonas Kleineisel, Nils Petri, Peter Nordbeck, Thorsten A. Bley, Bettina Baeßler, Bernhard Petritsch, Julius F. Heidenreich,
- Abstract要約: 提案手法は心電図のゲーティングや呼吸ホールドを必要とせずに,高品質な心血管データを1~2分で取得できる。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A joint image reconstruction and segmentation approach based on disentangled representation learning was trained to enable cardiac cine MR imaging in real-time and under free-breathing. An exploratory feasibility study tested the proposed method in undersampled real-time acquisitions based on an in-house developed spiral bSSFP pulse sequence in eight healthy participants and five patients with intermittent atrial fibrillation. Images and predicted LV segmentations were compared to the reference standard of ECG-gated segmented Cartesian cine in repeated breath-holds and corresponding manual segmentation. On a 5-point Likert scale, image quality of the real-time breath-hold approach and Cartesian cine was comparable in healthy participants (RT-BH: 1.99 $\pm$ .98, Cartesian: 1.94 $\pm$ .86, p=.052), but slightly inferior in free-breathing (RT-FB: 2.40 $\pm$ .98, p<.001). In patients with arrhythmia, image quality from both real-time approaches was favourable (RT-BH: 2.10 $\pm$ 1.28, p<.001, RT-FB: 2.40 $\pm$ 1.13, p<.001, Cartesian: 2.68 $\pm$ 1.13). Intra-observer reliability was good (ICC=.77, 95%-confidence interval [.75, .79], p<.001). In functional analysis, a positive bias was observed for ejection fractions derived from the proposed model compared to the clinical reference standard (RT-BH mean EF: 58.5 $\pm$ 5.6%, bias: +3.47%, 95%-confidence interval [-.86, 7.79%], RT-FB mean: 57.9 $\pm$ 10.6%, bias: +1.45%, [-3.02, 5.91%], Cartesian mean: 54.9 $\pm$ 6.7%). The introduced real-time MR imaging technique is capable of acquiring high-quality cardiac cine data in 1-2 minutes without the need for ECG gating and breath-holds. It thus offers a promising alternative to the current clinical practice of segmented acquisition, with shorter scan times, higher patient comfort and increased robustness to arrhythmia and patient incompliance.
- Abstract(参考訳): アンタングル表現学習に基づく共同画像再構成とセグメンテーションの手法を訓練し, リアルタイムおよび自由呼吸下での心血管MR画像撮影を可能にした。
5-point Likertスケールでは、リアルタイム呼吸保持アプローチの画質とカルテシアンのシネは健康な参加者(RT-BH: 1.99 $\pm$ .98, Cartesian: 1.94 $\pm$ .86, p=.052)に匹敵するが、フリーブレスティングではわずかに劣る(RT-FB: 2.40 $\pm$ .98, p<.001)。
不整脈患者では、両方のリアルタイムアプローチによる画質が好ましい(RT-BH: 2.10 $\pm$ 1.28, p<.001, RT-FB: 2.40 $\pm$ 1.13, p<.001, Cartesian: 2.68 $\pm$ 1.13)。
サーバ内信頼性は良好であった(ICC=.77,95%信頼区間 [.75, .79], p<.001)。
機能分析では, 提案したモデルから抽出した射出率に対して, 臨床基準値と比較して正の偏差が認められた( EF: 58.5 $\pm$ 5.6%, バイアス: +3.47%, 95%信頼区間 [-.86, 7.79%], RT-FB平均: 57.9 $\pm$ 10.6%, バイアス: +1.45%, [-3.02, 5.91%], カルテシア平均: 54.9 $\pm$ 6.7%)。
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