MATCH POLICY: A Simple Pipeline from Point Cloud Registration to Manipulation Policies
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- Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 20:09:43 GMT
- Title: MATCH POLICY: A Simple Pipeline from Point Cloud Registration to Manipulation Policies
- Authors: Haojie Huang, Haotian Liu, Dian Wang, Robin Walters, Robert Platt,
- Abstract summary: MATCH POLICY is a pipeline for solving high-precision pick and place tasks.
It transfers action inference into a point cloud registration task.
It achieves extremely high sample efficiency and generalizability to unseen configurations.
- Score: 25.512068008948603
- License:
- Abstract: Many manipulation tasks require the robot to rearrange objects relative to one another. Such tasks can be described as a sequence of relative poses between parts of a set of rigid bodies. In this work, we propose MATCH POLICY, a simple but novel pipeline for solving high-precision pick and place tasks. Instead of predicting actions directly, our method registers the pick and place targets to the stored demonstrations. This transfers action inference into a point cloud registration task and enables us to realize nontrivial manipulation policies without any training. MATCH POLICY is designed to solve high-precision tasks with a key-frame setting. By leveraging the geometric interaction and the symmetries of the task, it achieves extremely high sample efficiency and generalizability to unseen configurations. We demonstrate its state-of-the-art performance across various tasks on RLBench benchmark compared with several strong baselines and test it on a real robot with six tasks.
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