Learning dynamic quantum circuits for efficient state preparation
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.09030v1
- Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2024 17:47:46 GMT
- Title: Learning dynamic quantum circuits for efficient state preparation
- Authors: Faisal Alam, Bryan K. Clark,
- Abstract summary: Dynamic quantum circuits (DQCs) incorporate mid-circuit measurements and gates conditioned on these measurement outcomes.
We develop scalable tensor network algorithms which find high-fidelity DQC preparations for generic states.
Our work demonstrates the power of an algorithmic approach to generating DQC circuits, broadening their scope of applications to new areas of quantum computing.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Dynamic quantum circuits (DQCs) incorporate mid-circuit measurements and gates conditioned on these measurement outcomes. DQCs can prepare certain long-range entangled states in constant depth, making them a promising route to preparing complex quantum states on devices with a limited coherence time. Almost all constructions of DQCs for state preparation have been formulated analytically, relying on special structure in the target states. In this work, we approach the problem of state preparation variationally, developing scalable tensor network algorithms which find high-fidelity DQC preparations for generic states. We apply our algorithms to critical states, random matrix product states, and subset states. We consider both DQCs with a fixed number of ancillae and those with an extensive number of ancillae. Even in the few ancillae regime, the DQCs discovered by our algorithms consistently prepare states with lower infidelity than a static quantum circuit of the same depth. Notably, we observe constant fidelity gains across system sizes and circuit depths. For DQCs with an extensive number of ancillae, we introduce scalable methods for decoding measurement outcomes, including a neural network decoder and a real-time decoding protocol. Our work demonstrates the power of an algorithmic approach to generating DQC circuits, broadening their scope of applications to new areas of quantum computing.
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