Selective continuous-variable quantum process tomography
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- Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2024 02:49:32 GMT
- Title: Selective continuous-variable quantum process tomography
- Authors: Virginia Feldman, Ariel Bendersky,
- Abstract summary: We present a protocol for selective continuous-variable quantum process tomography.
We show how the protocol can be used to partially reconstruct on a region a continuous-variable quantum process, alongside numerical simulations.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Quantum process tomography is a useful tool for characterizing quantum processes. This task is essential for the development of different areas, such as quantum information processing. We present a protocol for selective continuous-variable quantum process tomography. Our proposal allows to selectively estimate any element of an unknown continuous-variable quantum process in the position representation, without requiring the complete reconstruction of the process. By resorting to controlled squeezing and translation operations, and adaptatively discretizing the process, a direct measure of an estimate of any process element can be obtained. Furthermore, we show how the protocol can be used to partially reconstruct on a region a continuous-variable quantum process, alongside numerical simulations.
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