論文の概要: A Joint Representation Using Continuous and Discrete Features for Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Prediction on Chest CT Scans
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2410.18610v2
- Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2024 09:02:32 GMT
- ステータス: 翻訳完了
- システム内更新日: 2024-11-18 18:55:28.757972
- Title: A Joint Representation Using Continuous and Discrete Features for Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Prediction on Chest CT Scans
- Title(参考訳): 胸部CT画像における心血管疾患リスク予測のための連続的特徴と離散的特徴を用いた関節表現
- Authors: Minfeng Xu, Chen-Chen Fan, Yan-Jie Zhou, Wenchao Guo, Pan Liu, Jing Qi, Le Lu, Hanqing Chao, Kunlun He,
- Abstract要約: 胸部CT画像から抽出した離散的量的バイオマーカーと連続的な深部特徴を統合した新しい関節表現法を提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 12.652540031719571
- License:
- Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain a leading health concern and contribute significantly to global mortality rates. While clinical advancements have led to a decline in CVD mortality, accurately identifying individuals who could benefit from preventive interventions remains an unsolved challenge in preventive cardiology. Current CVD risk prediction models, recommended by guidelines, are based on limited traditional risk factors or use CT imaging to acquire quantitative biomarkers, and still have limitations in predictive accuracy and applicability. On the other hand, end-to-end trained CVD risk prediction methods leveraging deep learning on CT images often fail to provide transparent and explainable decision grounds for assisting physicians. In this work, we proposed a novel joint representation that integrates discrete quantitative biomarkers and continuous deep features extracted from chest CT scans. Our approach initiated with a deep CVD risk classification model by capturing comprehensive continuous deep learning features while jointly obtaining currently clinical-established quantitative biomarkers via segmentation models. In the feature joint representation stage, we use an instance-wise feature-gated mechanism to align the continuous and discrete features, followed by a soft instance-wise feature interaction mechanism fostering independent and effective feature interaction for the final CVD risk prediction. Our method substantially improves CVD risk predictive performance and offers individual contribution analysis of each biomarker, which is important in assisting physicians' decision-making processes. We validated our method on a public chest low-dose CT dataset and a private external chest standard-dose CT patient cohort of 17,207 CT volumes from 6,393 unique subjects, and demonstrated superior predictive performance, achieving AUCs of 0.875 and 0.843, respectively.
- Abstract(参考訳): 心臓血管疾患(CVD)は依然として主要な健康上の問題であり、世界的な死亡率に大きく貢献している。
本手法は, 包括的連続的深層学習の特徴を捉えつつ, セグメンテーションモデルを用いて現在臨床で確立されている定量バイオマーカーを共同取得することにより, 深いCVDリスク分類モデルから開始した。
6,393名を対象に, 胸部低用量CTデータセット, 胸部標準用CTコーホート17,207名について検討し, それぞれ0.875名, 0.843名, 予測性能が良好であった。
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そこで我々は,MCVAE(Multi- Channel Variational Autoencoder)に基づく新たなバイナリ分類ネットワークを提案し,患者の眼底画像とOCT画像の潜伏埋め込みを学習し,個人を将来CVDを発症する可能性のあるものとそうでないものとの2つのグループに分類する。
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