Adaptive Reward Design for Reinforcement Learning in Complex Robotic Tasks
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- Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 18:04:18 GMT
- Title: Adaptive Reward Design for Reinforcement Learning in Complex Robotic Tasks
- Authors: Minjae Kwon, Ingy ElSayed-Aly, Lu Feng,
- Abstract summary: We propose a suite of reward functions that incentivize an RL agent to make measurable progress on tasks specified by formulas.
We develop an adaptive reward shaping approach that dynamically updates these reward functions during the learning process.
Experimental results on a range of RL-based robotic tasks demonstrate that the proposed approach is compatible with various RL algorithms.
- Score: 2.3031174164121127
- License:
- Abstract: There is a surge of interest in using formal languages such as Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) and finite automata to precisely and succinctly specify complex tasks and derive reward functions for reinforcement learning (RL) in robotic applications. However, existing methods often assign sparse rewards (e.g., giving a reward of 1 only if a task is completed and 0 otherwise), necessitating extensive exploration to converge to a high-quality policy. To address this limitation, we propose a suite of reward functions that incentivize an RL agent to make measurable progress on tasks specified by LTL formulas and develop an adaptive reward shaping approach that dynamically updates these reward functions during the learning process. Experimental results on a range of RL-based robotic tasks demonstrate that the proposed approach is compatible with various RL algorithms and consistently outperforms baselines, achieving earlier convergence to better policies with higher task success rates and returns.
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