Quantum Optimization for Energy Management: A Coherent Variational Approach
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2412.14095v1
- Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2024 17:43:51 GMT
- Title: Quantum Optimization for Energy Management: A Coherent Variational Approach
- Authors: Farshad Amani, Amin Kargarian,
- Abstract summary: This paper presents a quantum-enhanced solution for solving optimal power flow (OPF)
It integrates the interior point method (IPM) with a coherent variational quantum linear solver (CVQLS)
CVQLS is most suitable for OPF due to its stability with ill-conditioned matrices, such as the Hessian in IPM.
Although promising, the application of CVQLS is currently constrained by the limitations of existing quantum hardware.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: This paper presents a quantum-enhanced optimization approach for solving optimal power flow (OPF) by integrating the interior point method (IPM) with a coherent variational quantum linear solver (CVQLS). The objective is to explore the applicability of quantum computing to power systems optimization and address the associated challenges. A comparative analysis of state-of-the-art quantum linear solvers - Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL), variational quantum linear solver (VQLS), and CVQLS - revealed that CVQLS is most suitable for OPF due to its stability with ill-conditioned matrices, such as the Hessian in IPM. To ensure high-quality solutions, prevent suboptimal convergence, and avoid the barren plateau problem, we propose a quantum circuit parameter initialization technique along with a method to guide the IPM along the central path. Moreover, we design an ansatz tailored for OPF, optimizing the expressibility and trainability of the quantum circuit to ensure efficient convergence and robustness in solving quantum OPF. Various optimizers are also tested for quantum circuit parameter optimization, and based on the comparative analysis, the best optimizer is selected. We evaluate our approaches on IEEE 3-, 5-, 118-, and 300-bus systems, demonstrating their effectiveness in providing reliable OPF solutions. Our resource comparison between the power flow and OPF matrices on quantum hardware highlights that OPF needs considerably more resources, making its implementation significantly more challenging than in previous studies. Although promising, the application of CVQLS is currently constrained by the limitations of existing quantum hardware, especially for larger power systems. To address this, we use a quantum noise simulator for testing on larger systems.
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