The non-Abelian geometry, topology, and dynamics of a nonreciprocal Su-Schrieffer-Heeger ladder
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- Date: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 12:49:36 GMT
- Title: The non-Abelian geometry, topology, and dynamics of a nonreciprocal Su-Schrieffer-Heeger ladder
- Authors: Ziyu Zhou, Zhi-Cong Xu, Li-Jun Lang,
- Abstract summary: We study how the non-Abelian geometry, topology, and dynamics emerge in a multi-band, non-Hermitian ladder model.
Our work may stimulate more focuses on the non-Abelian properties of the non-Hermitian/open quantum systems.
- Score: 0.7373617024876725
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- Abstract: Non-Hermiticity breaks down the adiabaticity and naturally leads to the non-Abelian behaviors in multi-band systems. Here we consider a multi-band, non-Hermitian ladder model with the two legs being the nonreciprocal Su-Schrieffer-Heeger chains. We thoroughly study how the non-Abelian geometry, topology, and dynamics emerge in this model at the onset of inter-leg coupling. Under periodic boundary conditions, by defining a gauge-invariant winding number for chiral symmetric systems, we analytically give the exact topological phase diagram. With the aid of underlying symmetries generalized for non-Hermitian systems, we further refine the phase diagram by the geometry of band structure. In the pseudo-Hermitian symmetric regime, we find that the stable non-Abelian dynamics of a Bloch state under an external constant force can be well described in some conditions of the force by the Wilson line constructed for non-Hermitian systems. Under open boundary conditions, we also find that the bulk-boundary correspondence survives in the thermodynamic limit but breaks down for finite-size systems with the leg-dependent non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE), demonstrating the so-called critical NHSE, of which the decaying length of the bulk skin modes $\xi$ varies with the system size $L$ and is numerically verified to satisfy the scale-free power law $\xi\propto L$. Our work may stimulate more focuses on the non-Abelian properties of the non-Hermitian/open quantum systems.
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