Observing Movement of Dirac Cones from Single-Photon Dynamics
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2001.11034v1
- Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2020 19:00:02 GMT
- Title: Observing Movement of Dirac Cones from Single-Photon Dynamics
- Authors: Yong-Heng Lu, Yao Wang, Yi-Jun Chang, Zhan-Ming Li, Wen-Hao Cui, Jun
Gao, Wen-Hao Zhou, Hang Zheng, Xian-Min Jin
- Abstract summary: Graphene with honeycomb structure, being critically important in understanding physics of matter, exhibits exceptionally unusual half-integer quantum Hall effect.
These peculiar physics arise from the unique properties of Dirac cones which show high hole degeneracy, massless charge carriers and linear intersection of bands.
Here, we demonstrate a direct observation of the movement of Dirac cones from single-photon dynamics in photonic graphene under different biaxial strains.
- Score: 11.724015908522885
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Graphene with honeycomb structure, being critically important in
understanding physics of matter, exhibits exceptionally unusual half-integer
quantum Hall effect and unconventional electronic spectrum with quantum
relativistic phenomena. Particularly, graphene-like structure can be used for
realizing topological insulator which inspires an intrinsic topological
protection mechanism with strong immunity for maintaining coherence of quantum
information. These various peculiar physics arise from the unique properties of
Dirac cones which show high hole degeneracy, massless charge carriers and
linear intersection of bands. Experimental observation of Dirac cones
conventionally focuses on the energy-momentum space with bulk measurement.
Recently, the wave function and band structure have been mapped into the
real-space in photonic system, and made flexible control possible. Here, we
demonstrate a direct observation of the movement of Dirac cones from
single-photon dynamics in photonic graphene under different biaxial strains.
Sharing the same spirit of wave-particle nature in quantum mechanics, we
identify the movement of Dirac cones by dynamically detecting the edge modes
and extracting the diffusing distance of the packets with accumulation and
statistics on individual single-particle registrations. Our results of
observing movement of Dirac cones from single-photon dynamics, together with
the method of direct observation in real space by mapping the band structure
defined in momentum space, pave the way to understand a variety of artificial
structures in quantum regime.
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