論文の概要: Fast digital methods for adiabatic state preparation
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2004.04164v2
- Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2022 20:36:14 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-05-25 11:34:01.910791
- Title: Fast digital methods for adiabatic state preparation
- Title(参考訳): adiabatic state preparedのための高速ディジタル手法
- Authors: Kianna Wan and Isaac H. Kim
- Abstract要約: ゲート型量子コンピュータにおいて,逆誤差の複雑多元対数を伴う断熱状態生成のための量子アルゴリズムを提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We present a quantum algorithm for adiabatic state preparation on a
gate-based quantum computer, with complexity polylogarithmic in the inverse
error. Our algorithm digitally simulates the adiabatic evolution between two
self-adjoint operators $H_0$ and $H_1$, exponentially suppressing the diabatic
error by harnessing the theoretical concept of quasi-adiabatic continuation as
an algorithmic tool. Given an upper bound $\alpha$ on $\|H_0\|$ and $\|H_1\|$
along with the promise that the $k$th eigenstate $|\psi_k(s)\rangle$ of $H(s)
\equiv (1-s)H_0 + sH_1$ is separated from the rest of the spectrum by a gap of
at least $\gamma > 0$ for all $s \in [0,1]$, this algorithm implements an
operator $\widetilde{U}$ such that $\||\psi_k(1)\rangle -
\widetilde{U}|\psi_k(s)\rangle\| \leq \epsilon$ using
$O(\alpha^2/\gamma^2)\text{polylog}(\alpha/\gamma\epsilon)$ queries to
block-encodings of $H_0$ and $H_1$. In addition, we develop an algorithm that
is applicable only to ground states and requires multiple queries to an oracle
that prepares $|\psi_0(0)\rangle$, but has slightly better scaling in all
parameters. We also show that the costs of both algorithms can be further
reduced under certain reasonable conditions, such as when $\|H_1 - H_0\|$ is
small compared to $\alpha$, or when more information about the gap of $H(s)$ is
available. For certain problems, the scaling can even be improved to linear in
$\|H_1 - H_0\|/\gamma$ up to polylogarithmic factors.
- Abstract(参考訳): ゲート型量子コンピュータにおいて,逆誤差の複雑多元対数を伴う断熱状態生成のための量子アルゴリズムを提案する。
本アルゴリズムは,自己随伴演算子である$h_0$ と $h_1$ の間の断熱的進化を数値的にシミュレートし,準断熱継続の理論概念をアルゴリズムツールとして利用する。
Given an upper bound $\alpha$ on $\|H_0\|$ and $\|H_1\|$ along with the promise that the $k$th eigenstate $|\psi_k(s)\rangle$ of $H(s) \equiv (1-s)H_0 + sH_1$ is separated from the rest of the spectrum by a gap of at least $\gamma > 0$ for all $s \in [0,1]$, this algorithm implements an operator $\widetilde{U}$ such that $\||\psi_k(1)\rangle\widetilde{U}|\psi_k(s)\rangle\| \leq \epsilon$ using $O(\alpha^2/\gamma^2)\text{polylog}(\alpha/\gamma\epsilon)$ queries to block-encodings of $H_0$ and $H_1$.
また、$\|h_1 - h_0\|$ が$\alpha$ よりも小さい場合や$h(s)$ の差に関するさらなる情報が得られる場合など、ある合理的な条件下では両方のアルゴリズムのコストをさらに削減できることを示した。
ある種の問題に対して、スケーリングは$\|H_1 - H_0\|/\gamma$からポリ対数因子まで線形に改善することができる。
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