An adaptive quantum approximate optimization algorithm for solving
combinatorial problems on a quantum computer
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- Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2022 20:23:33 GMT
- Title: An adaptive quantum approximate optimization algorithm for solving
combinatorial problems on a quantum computer
- Authors: Linghua Zhu, Ho Lun Tang, George S. Barron, F. A. Calderon-Vargas,
Nicholas J. Mayhall, Edwin Barnes, Sophia E. Economou
- Abstract summary: The quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is a hybrid variational quantum-classical algorithm that solves optimization problems.
We develop an iterative version of QAOA that is problem-tailored, and which can also be adapted to specific hardware constraints.
We simulate the algorithm on a class of Max-Cut graph problems and show that it converges much faster than the standard QAOA.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: The quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) is a hybrid variational
quantum-classical algorithm that solves combinatorial optimization problems.
While there is evidence suggesting that the fixed form of the standard QAOA
ansatz is not optimal, there is no systematic approach for finding better
ans\"atze. We address this problem by developing an iterative version of QAOA
that is problem-tailored, and which can also be adapted to specific hardware
constraints. We simulate the algorithm on a class of Max-Cut graph problems and
show that it converges much faster than the standard QAOA, while simultaneously
reducing the required number of CNOT gates and optimization parameters. We
provide evidence that this speedup is connected to the concept of shortcuts to
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