Sequential Density Ratio Estimation for Simultaneous Optimization of
Speed and Accuracy
- URL:
- Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2021 06:30:42 GMT
- Title: Sequential Density Ratio Estimation for Simultaneous Optimization of
Speed and Accuracy
- Authors: Akinori F. Ebihara, Taiki Miyagawa, Kazuyuki Sakurai, Hitoshi Imaoka
- Abstract summary: We propose the SPRT-TANDEM, a deep neural network-based SPRT algorithm that overcomes the above two obstacles.
In tests on one original and two public video databases, the SPRT-TANDEM achieves statistically significantly better classification accuracy than other baselines.
- Score: 11.470070927586017
- License:
- Abstract: Classifying sequential data as early and as accurately as possible is a
challenging yet critical problem, especially when a sampling cost is high. One
algorithm that achieves this goal is the sequential probability ratio test
(SPRT), which is known as Bayes-optimal: it can keep the expected number of
data samples as small as possible, given the desired error upper-bound.
However, the original SPRT makes two critical assumptions that limit its
application in real-world scenarios: (i) samples are independently and
identically distributed, and (ii) the likelihood of the data being derived from
each class can be calculated precisely. Here, we propose the SPRT-TANDEM, a
deep neural network-based SPRT algorithm that overcomes the above two
obstacles. The SPRT-TANDEM sequentially estimates the log-likelihood ratio of
two alternative hypotheses by leveraging a novel Loss function for
Log-Likelihood Ratio estimation (LLLR) while allowing correlations up to $N
(\in \mathbb{N})$ preceding samples. In tests on one original and two public
video databases, Nosaic MNIST, UCF101, and SiW, the SPRT-TANDEM achieves
statistically significantly better classification accuracy than other baseline
classifiers, with a smaller number of data samples. The code and Nosaic MNIST
are publicly available at
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