On the minmax regret for statistical manifolds: the role of curvature
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.02904v1
- Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2020 17:28:19 GMT
- Title: On the minmax regret for statistical manifolds: the role of curvature
- Authors: Bruno Mera, Paulo Mateus, Alexandra M. Carvalho
- Abstract summary: Two-part codes and the minimum description length have been successful in delivering procedures to single out the best models.
We derive a sharper expression than the standard one given by the complexity, where the scalar curvature of the Fisher information metric plays a dominant role.
- Score: 68.8204255655161
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Model complexity plays an essential role in its selection, namely, by
choosing a model that fits the data and is also succinct. Two-part codes and
the minimum description length have been successful in delivering procedures to
single out the best models, avoiding overfitting. In this work, we pursue this
approach and complement it by performing further assumptions in the parameter
space. Concretely, we assume that the parameter space is a smooth manifold, and
by using tools of Riemannian geometry, we derive a sharper expression than the
standard one given by the stochastic complexity, where the scalar curvature of
the Fisher information metric plays a dominant role. Furthermore, we derive the
minmax regret for general statistical manifolds and apply our results to derive
optimal dimensional reduction in the context of principal component analysis.
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