Imperfect 1-out-of-2 quantum oblivious transfer: bounds, a protocol, and
its experimental implementation
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- Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 10:10:50 GMT
- Title: Imperfect 1-out-of-2 quantum oblivious transfer: bounds, a protocol, and
its experimental implementation
- Authors: Ryan Amiri (1), Robert St\'arek (2), David Reichmuth (1), Ittoop V
Puthoor (1), Michal Mi\v{c}uda (2), Ladislav Mi\v{s}ta Jr (2), Miloslav
Du\v{s}ek (2), Petros Wallden (3), Erika Andersson (1) ((1) SUPA, Institute
of Photonics and Quantum Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United
Kingdom, (2) Department of Optics, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech
Republic, (3) LFCS, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
- Abstract summary: We introduce a theoretical framework for studying semirandom quantum oblivious transfer.
We then use it to derive bounds on cheating.
We show that a lower bound of 2/3 on the minimum achievable cheating probability can be directly derived for semirandom protocols.
- Score: 0.0
- License:
- Abstract: Oblivious transfer is an important primitive in modern cryptography.
Applications include secure multiparty computation, oblivious sampling,
e-voting, and signatures. Information-theoretically secure perfect 1-out-of 2
oblivious transfer is impossible to achieve. Imperfect variants, where both
participants' ability to cheat is still limited, are possible using quantum
means while remaining classically impossible. Precisely what security
parameters are attainable remains unknown. We introduce a theoretical framework
for studying semirandom quantum oblivious transfer, which is shown to be
equivalent to regular oblivious transfer in terms of cheating probabilities. We
then use it to derive bounds on cheating. We also present a protocol with lower
cheating probabilities than previous schemes, together with its optical
realization. We show that a lower bound of 2/3 on the minimum achievable
cheating probability can be directly derived for semirandom protocols using a
different method and definition of cheating than used previously. The lower
bound increases from 2/3 to approximately 0.749 if the states output by the
protocol are pure and symmetric. The oblivious transfer scheme we present uses
unambiguous state elimination measurements and can be implemented with the same
technological requirements as standard quantum cryptography. The cheating
probabilities are 3/4 and approximately 0.729 for sender and receiver
respectively, which is lower than in existing protocols. Using a photonic
test-bed, we have implemented the protocol with honest parties, as well as
optimal cheating strategies.
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