論文の概要: Truncated Linear Regression in High Dimensions
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2007.14539v1
- Date: Wed, 29 Jul 2020 00:31:34 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-11-05 20:21:06.318544
- Title: Truncated Linear Regression in High Dimensions
- Title(参考訳): 高次元におけるひずみ線形回帰
- Authors: Constantinos Daskalakis, Dhruv Rohatgi, Manolis Zampetakis
- Abstract要約: truncated linear regression において、従属変数 $(A_i, y_i)_i$ は $y_i= A_irm T cdot x* + eta_i$ は固定された未知の興味ベクトルである。
我々は、$k$-sparse $n$-dimensional vectors $x*$ from $m$ truncated sample。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 26.41623833920794
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: As in standard linear regression, in truncated linear regression, we are
given access to observations $(A_i, y_i)_i$ whose dependent variable equals
$y_i= A_i^{\rm T} \cdot x^* + \eta_i$, where $x^*$ is some fixed unknown vector
of interest and $\eta_i$ is independent noise; except we are only given an
observation if its dependent variable $y_i$ lies in some "truncation set" $S
\subset \mathbb{R}$. The goal is to recover $x^*$ under some favorable
conditions on the $A_i$'s and the noise distribution. We prove that there
exists a computationally and statistically efficient method for recovering
$k$-sparse $n$-dimensional vectors $x^*$ from $m$ truncated samples, which
attains an optimal $\ell_2$ reconstruction error of $O(\sqrt{(k \log n)/m})$.
As a corollary, our guarantees imply a computationally efficient and
information-theoretically optimal algorithm for compressed sensing with
truncation, which may arise from measurement saturation effects. Our result
follows from a statistical and computational analysis of the Stochastic
Gradient Descent (SGD) algorithm for solving a natural adaptation of the LASSO
optimization problem that accommodates truncation. This generalizes the works
of both: (1) [Daskalakis et al. 2018], where no regularization is needed due to
the low-dimensionality of the data, and (2) [Wainright 2009], where the
objective function is simple due to the absence of truncation. In order to deal
with both truncation and high-dimensionality at the same time, we develop new
techniques that not only generalize the existing ones but we believe are of
independent interest.
- Abstract(参考訳): 標準線形回帰と同様に、truncated linear regression において、従属変数が $y_i= A_i^{\rm T} \cdot x^* + \eta_i$, where $x^*$ is some fixed unknown vector of interest and $\eta_i$ is independent noise となるような観測へのアクセスが与えられるが、従属変数 $y_i$ が従属変数 $S \subset \mathbb{R}$ にある場合のみ観察される。
我々は,$k$-sparse $n$-dimensional vectors $x^*$ from $m$ truncated sample という計算量的かつ統計的に効率的な方法が存在することを証明し,$o(\sqrt{(k \log n)/m})$ の最適な$\ell_2$ 再構成誤差を得る。
提案手法は, 計算効率と情報理論上, 圧縮センシングの最適アルゴリズムであり, 測定飽和効果から生じる可能性がある。
我々の結果は、トラルニケーションに対応するLASSO最適化問題の自然な適応を解くための確率勾配 Descent (SGD) アルゴリズムの統計的および計算学的解析から導かれる。
これにより、(1)データの低次元性のために正規化が不要な[daskalakis et al. 2018]と(2)停止の欠如により目的関数が単純である(2)[wainright 2009]という2つの作業が一般化される。
- Bivariate Matrix-valued Linear Regression (BMLR): Finite-sample performance under Identifiability and Sparsity Assumptions [0.0]
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