HyperFair: A Soft Approach to Integrating Fairness Criteria
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.08952v1
- Date: Sat, 5 Sep 2020 05:00:06 GMT
- Title: HyperFair: A Soft Approach to Integrating Fairness Criteria
- Authors: Charles Dickens, Rishika Singh, Lise Getoor
- Abstract summary: We introduce HyperFair, a framework for enforcing soft fairness constraints in a hybrid recommender system.
We propose two ways to employ the methods we introduce: first as an extension of a probabilistic soft logic recommender system template.
We empirically validate our approach by implementing multiple HyperFair hybrid recommenders and compare them to a state-of-the-art fair recommender.
- Score: 17.770533330914102
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Recommender systems are being employed across an increasingly diverse set of
domains that can potentially make a significant social and individual impact.
For this reason, considering fairness is a critical step in the design and
evaluation of such systems. In this paper, we introduce HyperFair, a general
framework for enforcing soft fairness constraints in a hybrid recommender
system. HyperFair models integrate variations of fairness metrics as a
regularization of a joint inference objective function. We implement our
approach using probabilistic soft logic and show that it is particularly
well-suited for this task as it is expressive and structural constraints can be
added to the system in a concise and interpretable manner. We propose two ways
to employ the methods we introduce: first as an extension of a probabilistic
soft logic recommender system template; second as a fair retrofitting technique
that can be used to improve the fairness of predictions from a black-box model.
We empirically validate our approach by implementing multiple HyperFair hybrid
recommenders and compare them to a state-of-the-art fair recommender. We also
run experiments showing the effectiveness of our methods for the task of
retrofitting a black-box model and the trade-off between the amount of fairness
enforced and the prediction performance.
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