論文の概要: The Complexity of Constrained Min-Max Optimization
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.09623v1
- Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2020 05:54:12 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-10-16 05:52:35.688376
- Title: The Complexity of Constrained Min-Max Optimization
- Title(参考訳): 制約付きMin-Max最適化の複雑さ
- Authors: Constantinos Daskalakis and Stratis Skoulakis and Manolis Zampetakis
- Abstract要約: 十分大きな局所点 min-max が存在することが保証されていることを示す。
さらに重要なこととして、近似的な固定勾配 Descent/Ascent 近似が完成することを示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 29.57458485068705
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Despite its important applications in Machine Learning, min-max optimization
of nonconvex-nonconcave objectives remains elusive. Not only are there no known
first-order methods converging even to approximate local min-max points, but
the computational complexity of identifying them is also poorly understood. In
this paper, we provide a characterization of the computational complexity of
the problem, as well as of the limitations of first-order methods in
constrained min-max optimization problems with nonconvex-nonconcave objectives
and linear constraints.
As a warm-up, we show that, even when the objective is a Lipschitz and smooth
differentiable function, deciding whether a min-max point exists, in fact even
deciding whether an approximate min-max point exists, is NP-hard. More
importantly, we show that an approximate local min-max point of large enough
approximation is guaranteed to exist, but finding one such point is
PPAD-complete. The same is true of computing an approximate fixed point of
Gradient Descent/Ascent.
An important byproduct of our proof is to establish an unconditional hardness
result in the Nemirovsky-Yudin model. We show that, given oracle access to some
function $f : P \to [-1, 1]$ and its gradient $\nabla f$, where $P \subseteq
[0, 1]^d$ is a known convex polytope, every algorithm that finds a
$\varepsilon$-approximate local min-max point needs to make a number of queries
that is exponential in at least one of $1/\varepsilon$, $L$, $G$, or $d$, where
$L$ and $G$ are respectively the smoothness and Lipschitzness of $f$ and $d$ is
the dimension. This comes in sharp contrast to minimization problems, where
finding approximate local minima in the same setting can be done with Projected
Gradient Descent using $O(L/\varepsilon)$ many queries. Our result is the first
to show an exponential separation between these two fundamental optimization
- Abstract(参考訳): 機械学習における重要な応用にもかかわらず、非凸非凹面目標のmin-max最適化はいまだ解明されていない。
関数 $f : P \to [-1, 1] とその勾配 $\nabla f$, where $P \subseteq [0, 1]^d$ is a known convex polytope, every algorithm that finds a $\varepsilon$-approximate local min-max point to a least one of $1/\varepsilon$, $L$, $G$, $d$, where $L$ and $G$ are each smoothness and Lipschitzness of $f$ and $d$ is the dimension。
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