論文の概要: Outgassing rate comparison of seven geometrically similar vacuum
chambers of different materials and heat treatments
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2009.10560v2
- Date: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 15:40:31 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2023-05-01 06:56:30.546446
- Title: Outgassing rate comparison of seven geometrically similar vacuum
chambers of different materials and heat treatments
- Title(参考訳): 異なる材料の幾何学的に類似した7つの真空室のガス放出速度比較と熱処理
- Authors: James A. Fedchak (1), Julia K. Scherschligt (1), Sefer Avdiaj (2),
Daniel S. Barker (1), Stephen P. Eckel (1), Ben Bowers (3), Scott OConnell
(3), Perry Henderson (3) ((1) National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), Gaithersburg, (2) University of Prishtina, Kosova, (3) Anderson
Dahlen Applied Vacuum Division)
- Abstract要約: 異なる材料と熱処理で構築した同一形状の真空室7室の水と水素の排ガス速度を測定した。
ライズ・オブ・ライズ法を用いて排ガス速度を測定し, 最低72時間, 125degCから150degCの低温焼成を行った。
以上の結果から,Ti,Al,316L-XHV,316LN-XHVの水素排ガス速度は超高真空 (UH) および極高真空 (XHV) の用途に優れた選択肢となると結論した。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 0.0
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We have measured the water and hydrogen outgassing rates of seven vacuum
chambers of identical geometry but constructed of different materials and heat
treatments. Chambers of five different materials were tested: 304L, 316L, and
316LN stainless steels; titanium (ASTM grade 2); and 6061 aluminum. In
addition, chambers constructed of 316L and 316LN stainless steel were subjected
to a vacuum-fire process, where they were heated to approximately 950 {\deg}C
for 24 hours while under vacuum; these two chambers are designated as 316L-XHV
and 316LN-XHV. All chambers were of identical geometry and made by the same
manufacturer, thus a relative comparison of the outgassing rates among these
chambers can be made. Water outgassing rates were measured as a function of
time using the throughput technique. The water outgassing results for the 316L,
316LN, 316L-XHV, 316LN-XHV were all similar, but lower than those of 304L by a
factor of 3 to 5 lower at 10^4 s. The water outgassing results for Ti and Al
chambers were close to that of 304L, Ti being slightly lower. Hydrogen
outgassing rates were measured using the rate-of-rise method and performed
after a low-temperature bake of 125 {\deg}C to 150 {\deg}C for a minimum of 72
hours. The Ti, Al, 316L-XHV, and 316LN-XHV chambers all have specific
outgassing rates below 1 X 10^-11 Pa L s^-1 cm^-2 and are at least a factor of
100 or better than the 304L chamber. The 304L, 316L, and 316LN chambers without
vacuum-fire heat treatment have larger hydrogen outgassing rates than the other
chambers, with specific outgassing rates ranging between 4.0 X 10^-11 Pa L s^-1
cm^-2 and 8.0 X 10^-11 Pa L s^-1 cm^-2. We conclude that Ti, Al, 316L-XHV, and
316LN-XHV have hydrogen outgassing rates that make them excellent choices for
ultra-high vacuum (UHV) and extreme-high vacuum (XHV) applications, the choice
depending on cost and other material properties.
- Abstract(参考訳): 同一形状の真空室7室の水と水素の排ガス速度を測定したが, 異なる材料と熱処理で構成した。
304L, 316L, 316LNステンレス鋼, チタン(ASTMグレード2), 6061アルミニウムの5種類の異なる材料が試験された。
その結果, 316L, 316LN, 316L-XHV, 316LN-XHVは, 34Lに比べて10^4sで3~5以下であった。
水素ガス放出速度はライズ・オブ・ライズ法を用いて測定し, 低温のBake 125 {\deg}C から 150 {\deg}C を72時間以上測定した。
Ti, Al, 316L-XHV, 316LN-XHV室はいずれも1×10^-11 Pa L s^-1 cm^-2以下であり、少なくとも304L室よりも100以上大きい。
304L、316L、および316LNの真空加熱処理は、他のチャンバーよりも水素ガスの排出率が高く、特定のガスの排出率は4.0 X 10^-11 Pa L s^-1 cm^-2と8.0 X 10^-11 Pa L s^-1 cm^-2である。
以上の結果から,Ti,Al,316L-XHV,316LN-XHVの水素ガス放出速度は,超高真空 (UHV) および極高真空 (XHV) の用途に優れた選択肢であり,コストおよび他の材料特性による選択であることがわかった。
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