CLAMGen: Closed-Loop Arm Motion Generation via Multi-view Vision-Based
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- Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 15:33:03 GMT
- Title: CLAMGen: Closed-Loop Arm Motion Generation via Multi-view Vision-Based
- Authors: Iretiayo Akinola, Zizhao Wang, and Peter Allen
- Abstract summary: We propose a vision-based reinforcement learning (RL) approach for closed-loop trajectory generation in an arm reaching problem.
Arm trajectory generation is a fundamental robotics problem which entails finding collision-free paths to move the robot's body.
- Score: 4.014524824655106
- License:
- Abstract: We propose a vision-based reinforcement learning (RL) approach for
closed-loop trajectory generation in an arm reaching problem. Arm trajectory
generation is a fundamental robotics problem which entails finding
collision-free paths to move the robot's body (e.g. arm) in order to satisfy a
goal (e.g. place end-effector at a point).
While classical methods typically require the model of the environment to
solve a planning, search or optimization problem, learning-based approaches
hold the promise of directly mapping from observations to robot actions.
However, learning a collision-avoidance policy using RL remains a challenge
for various reasons, including, but not limited to, partial observability, poor
exploration, low sample efficiency, and learning instabilities.
To address these challenges, we present a residual-RL method that leverages a
greedy goal-reaching RL policy as the base to improve exploration, and the base
policy is augmented with residual state-action values and residual actions
learned from images to avoid obstacles. Further more, we introduce novel
learning objectives and techniques to improve 3D understanding from multiple
image views and sample efficiency of our algorithm.
Compared to RL baselines, our method achieves superior performance in terms
of success rate.
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