Quantum agents in the Gym: a variational quantum algorithm for deep
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2103.15084v3
- Date: Mon, 16 May 2022 15:53:39 GMT
- Title: Quantum agents in the Gym: a variational quantum algorithm for deep
- Authors: Andrea Skolik, Sofiene Jerbi, Vedran Dunjko
- Abstract summary: We introduce a training method for parametrized quantum circuits (PQCs) that can be used to solve RL tasks for discrete and continuous state spaces.
We investigate which architectural choices for quantum Q-learning agents are most important for successfully solving certain types of environments.
- Score: 0.0
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Quantum machine learning (QML) has been identified as one of the key fields
that could reap advantages from near-term quantum devices, next to optimization
and quantum chemistry. Research in this area has focused primarily on
variational quantum algorithms (VQAs), and several proposals to enhance
supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms with VQAs
have been put forward. Out of the three, RL is the least studied and it is
still an open question whether VQAs can be competitive with state-of-the-art
classical algorithms based on neural networks (NNs) even on simple benchmark
tasks. In this work, we introduce a training method for parametrized quantum
circuits (PQCs) that can be used to solve RL tasks for discrete and continuous
state spaces based on the deep Q-learning algorithm. We investigate which
architectural choices for quantum Q-learning agents are most important for
successfully solving certain types of environments by performing ablation
studies for a number of different data encoding and readout strategies. We
provide insight into why the performance of a VQA-based Q-learning algorithm
crucially depends on the observables of the quantum model and show how to
choose suitable observables based on the learning task at hand. To compare our
model against the classical DQN algorithm, we perform an extensive
hyperparameter search of PQCs and NNs with varying numbers of parameters. We
confirm that similar to results in classical literature, the architectural
choices and hyperparameters contribute more to the agents' success in a RL
setting than the number of parameters used in the model. Finally, we show when
recent separation results between classical and quantum agents for policy
gradient RL can be extended to inferring optimal Q-values in restricted
families of environments.
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