論文の概要: Lung Cancer Diagnosis Using Deep Attention Based on Multiple Instance
Learning and Radiomics
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2104.14655v1
- Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2021 21:04:02 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-05-04 03:01:07.920121
- Title: Lung Cancer Diagnosis Using Deep Attention Based on Multiple Instance
Learning and Radiomics
- Title(参考訳): 多症例学習と放射線検査に基づく深部注意による肺癌の診断
- Authors: Junhua Chen, Haiyan Zeng, Chong Zhang, Zhenwei Shi, Andre Dekker,
Leonard Wee, Inigo Bermejo
- Abstract要約: 肺癌の診断をmil(multiple instance learning)問題として扱うことで,臨床における診断過程をよりよく反映する。
その結果,平均(SEM)が0.069の標準誤差,0.870(SEM 0.061)のリコール,0.928(SEM 0.078)の正の予測値,0.591(SEM 0.155)の負の予測値,0.842(AUC)の曲線下領域で0.807の平均精度が得られた。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 13.028105771052376
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Early diagnosis of lung cancer is a key intervention for the treatment of
lung cancer computer aided diagnosis (CAD) can play a crucial role. However,
most published CAD methods treat lung cancer diagnosis as a lung nodule
classification problem, which does not reflect clinical practice, where
clinicians diagnose a patient based on a set of images of nodules, instead of
one specific nodule. Besides, the low interpretability of the output provided
by these methods presents an important barrier for their adoption. In this
article, we treat lung cancer diagnosis as a multiple instance learning (MIL)
problem in order to better reflect the diagnosis process in the clinical
setting and for the higher interpretability of the output. We chose radiomics
as the source of input features and deep attention-based MIL as the
classification algorithm.The attention mechanism provides higher
interpretability by estimating the importance of each instance in the set for
the final diagnosis.In order to improve the model's performance in a small
imbalanced dataset, we introduce a new bag simulation method for MIL.The
results show that our method can achieve a mean accuracy of 0.807 with a
standard error of the mean (SEM) of 0.069, a recall of 0.870 (SEM 0.061), a
positive predictive value of 0.928 (SEM 0.078), a negative predictive value of
0.591 (SEM 0.155) and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.842 (SEM 0.074),
outperforming other MIL methods.Additional experiments show that the proposed
oversampling strategy significantly improves the model's performance. In
addition, our experiments show that our method provides an indication of the
importance of each nodule in determining the diagnosis, which combined with the
well-defined radiomic features, make the results more interpretable and
acceptable for doctors and patients.
- Abstract(参考訳): 早期の肺癌の診断は、肺がんコンピュータ支援診断(CAD)の治療法として重要な役割を担っている。
本稿では, 肺がんの診断を多症例学習(MIL)問題として扱うことにより, 臨床現場での診断過程をよりよく反映し, 出力の高い解釈可能性を実現する。
We chose radiomics as the source of input features and deep attention-based MIL as the classification algorithm.The attention mechanism provides higher interpretability by estimating the importance of each instance in the set for the final diagnosis.In order to improve the model's performance in a small imbalanced dataset, we introduce a new bag simulation method for MIL.The results show that our method can achieve a mean accuracy of 0.807 with a standard error of the mean (SEM) of 0.069, a recall of 0.870 (SEM 0.061), a positive predictive value of 0.928 (SEM 0.078), a negative predictive value of 0.591 (SEM 0.155) and an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.842 (SEM 0.074), outperforming other MIL methods.Additional experiments show that the proposed oversampling strategy significantly improves the model's performance.
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また, 地域性肺炎を含む他の肺疾患にも適用できるが, 地域性肺炎に限らない。
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