論文の概要: Controlling False Positive/Negative Rates for Deep-Learning-Based
Prostate Cancer Detection on Multiparametric MR images
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.02385v1
- Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2021 09:51:27 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-06-08 00:06:52.565104
- Title: Controlling False Positive/Negative Rates for Deep-Learning-Based
Prostate Cancer Detection on Multiparametric MR images
- Title(参考訳): 多パラメータmr画像を用いたディープラーニング前立腺癌検出における偽陽性/陰性率の制御
- Authors: Zhe Min, Fernando J. Bianco, Qianye Yang, Rachael Rodell, Wen Yan,
Dean Barratt, Yipeng Hu
- Abstract要約: そこで本研究では,病変からスライスまでのマッピング機能に基づく,病変レベルのコスト感受性損失と付加的なスライスレベルの損失を組み込んだ新しいPCa検出ネットワークを提案する。
1) 病変レベルFNRを0.19から0.10に, 病変レベルFPRを1.03から0.66に減らした。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 58.85481248101611
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
- Abstract: Prostate cancer (PCa) is one of the leading causes of death for men
worldwide. Multi-parametric magnetic resonance (mpMR) imaging has emerged as a
non-invasive diagnostic tool for detecting and localising prostate tumours by
specialised radiologists. These radiological examinations, for example, for
differentiating malignant lesions from benign prostatic hyperplasia in
transition zones and for defining the boundaries of clinically significant
cancer, remain challenging and highly skill-and-experience-dependent. We first
investigate experimental results in developing object detection neural networks
that are trained to predict the radiological assessment, using these
high-variance labels. We further argue that such a computer-assisted diagnosis
(CAD) system needs to have the ability to control the false-positive rate (FPR)
or false-negative rate (FNR), in order to be usefully deployed in a clinical
workflow, informing clinical decisions without further human intervention. This
work proposes a novel PCa detection network that incorporates a lesion-level
cost-sensitive loss and an additional slice-level loss based on a
lesion-to-slice mapping function, to manage the lesion- and slice-level costs,
respectively. Our experiments based on 290 clinical patients concludes that 1)
The lesion-level FNR was effectively reduced from 0.19 to 0.10 and the
lesion-level FPR was reduced from 1.03 to 0.66 by changing the lesion-level
cost; 2) The slice-level FNR was reduced from 0.19 to 0.00 by taking into
account the slice-level cost; (3) Both lesion-level and slice-level FNRs were
reduced with lower FP/FPR by changing the lesion-level or slice-level costs,
compared with post-training threshold adjustment using networks without the
proposed cost-aware training.
- Abstract(参考訳): 前立腺癌(PCa)は世界中の男性にとって主要な死因の1つである。
専門の放射線技師による前立腺腫瘍の非侵襲的診断ツールとして,Multi-parametric magnetic resonance (mpMR) が出現している。
さらに,このようなコンピュータ支援診断(CAD)システムでは,より人的介入を伴わずに臨床診断を行うためには,偽陽性率 (FPR) や偽陰性率 (FNR) を制御できる能力が必要であるとも主張する。
本研究は, 病変レベルのコスト感応損失と, 病変間マッピング機能に基づくスライスレベル損失を付加した新しいpca検出ネットワークを提案し, 病変とスライスレベルのコストをそれぞれ管理する。
Our experiments based on 290 clinical patients concludes that 1) The lesion-level FNR was effectively reduced from 0.19 to 0.10 and the lesion-level FPR was reduced from 1.03 to 0.66 by changing the lesion-level cost; 2) The slice-level FNR was reduced from 0.19 to 0.00 by taking into account the slice-level cost; (3) Both lesion-level and slice-level FNRs were reduced with lower FP/FPR by changing the lesion-level or slice-level costs, compared with post-training threshold adjustment using networks without the proposed cost-aware training.
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本研究では, PET/CTスキャンにおける転移性前立腺癌病変の自動検出と分節化に向けた, ディープニューラルネットワークの新たな損失関数L1-weighted Dice Loss (L1DFL)を提案する。
我々は,Attention U-NetとSegResNetの2つの3D畳み込みニューラルネットワークを訓練し,PETとCTのボリュームを入力として生成した。
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その結果, 被験者15名中11名に対してFCDの検出に成功した。
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