DeepScale: An Online Frame Size Adaptation Framework to Accelerate
Visual Multi-object Tracking
- URL:
- Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2021 00:12:58 GMT
- Title: DeepScale: An Online Frame Size Adaptation Framework to Accelerate
Visual Multi-object Tracking
- Authors: Keivan Nalaie, Rong Zheng
- Abstract summary: DeepScale is a model agnostic frame size selection approach to accelerate tracking throughput.
It can find a suitable trade-off between tracking accuracy and speed by adapting frame sizes at run time.
Compared to a state-of-the-art tracker, DeepScale++, a variant of DeepScale achieves 1.57X accelerated with only moderate degradation.
- Score: 8.878656943106934
- License:
- Abstract: In surveillance and search and rescue applications, it is important to
perform multi-target tracking (MOT) in real-time on low-end devices. Today's
MOT solutions employ deep neural networks, which tend to have high computation
complexity. Recognizing the effects of frame sizes on tracking performance, we
propose DeepScale, a model agnostic frame size selection approach that operates
on top of existing fully convolutional network-based trackers to accelerate
tracking throughput. In the training stage, we incorporate detectability scores
into a one-shot tracker architecture so that DeepScale can learn representation
estimations for different frame sizes in a self-supervised manner. During
inference, based on user-controlled parameters, it can find a suitable
trade-off between tracking accuracy and speed by adapting frame sizes at run
time. Extensive experiments and benchmark tests on MOT datasets demonstrate the
effectiveness and flexibility of DeepScale. Compared to a state-of-the-art
tracker, DeepScale++, a variant of DeepScale achieves 1.57X accelerated with
only moderate degradation (~ 2.4) in tracking accuracy on the MOT15 dataset in
one configuration.
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