論文の概要: Optimal Scheduling of Isolated Microgrids Using Automated Reinforcement
Learning-based Multi-period Forecasting
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2108.06764v1
- Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2021 15:46:22 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2021-08-17 14:43:33.534175
- Title: Optimal Scheduling of Isolated Microgrids Using Automated Reinforcement
Learning-based Multi-period Forecasting
- Title(参考訳): 自動強化学習に基づくマルチ周期予測を用いた分離マイクログリッドの最適スケジューリング
- Authors: Yang Li, Ruinong Wang, Zhen Yang
- Abstract要約: 再生可能電力世代と負荷の自動予測を用いて, 分離マイクログリッドの最適スケジューリングモデルを提案する。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 8.95322871711331
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: In order to reduce the negative impact of the uncertainty of load and
renewable energies outputs on microgrid operation, an optimal scheduling model
is proposed for isolated microgrids by using automated reinforcement
learning-based multi-period forecasting of renewable power generations and
loads. Firstly, a prioritized experience replay automated reinforcement
learning (PER-AutoRL) is designed to simplify the deployment of deep
reinforcement learning (DRL)-based forecasting model in a customized manner,
the single-step multi-period forecasting method based on PER-AutoRL is proposed
for the first time to address the error accumulation issue suffered by existing
multi-step forecasting methods, then the prediction values obtained by the
proposed forecasting method are revised via the error distribution to improve
the prediction accuracy; secondly, a scheduling model considering demand
response is constructed to minimize the total microgrid operating costs, where
the revised forecasting values are used as the dispatch basis, and a spinning
reserve chance constraint is set according to the error distribution; finally,
by transforming the original scheduling model into a readily solvable mixed
integer linear programming via the sequence operation theory (SOT), the
transformed model is solved by using CPLEX solver. The simulation results show
that compared with the traditional scheduling model without forecasting, this
approach manages to significantly reduce the system operating costs by
improving the prediction accuracy.
- Abstract(参考訳): マイクログリッド運転における負荷の不確実性および再生エネルギー出力の負の影響を低減するため, 自動強化学習による再生電力生成と負荷の多周期予測を用いて, マイクログリッドの最適スケジューリングモデルを提案する。
Firstly, a prioritized experience replay automated reinforcement learning (PER-AutoRL) is designed to simplify the deployment of deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based forecasting model in a customized manner, the single-step multi-period forecasting method based on PER-AutoRL is proposed for the first time to address the error accumulation issue suffered by existing multi-step forecasting methods, then the prediction values obtained by the proposed forecasting method are revised via the error distribution to improve the prediction accuracy; secondly, a scheduling model considering demand response is constructed to minimize the total microgrid operating costs, where the revised forecasting values are used as the dispatch basis, and a spinning reserve chance constraint is set according to the error distribution; finally, by transforming the original scheduling model into a readily solvable mixed integer linear programming via the sequence operation theory (SOT), the transformed model is solved by using CPLEX solver.
- Research on short-term load forecasting model based on VMD and IPSO-ELM [0.0]
シミュレーションの結果,提案手法は従来のELM法, PSO-ELM法, PSO-ELM法と比較して予測精度と収束速度を著しく向上することがわかった。
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