MDPGT: Momentum-based Decentralized Policy Gradient Tracking
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- Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2021 06:55:51 GMT
- Title: MDPGT: Momentum-based Decentralized Policy Gradient Tracking
- Authors: Zhanhong Jiang, Xian Yeow Lee, Sin Yong Tan, Kai Liang Tan, Aditya
Balu, Young M. Lee, Chinmay Hegde, Soumik Sarkar
- Abstract summary: We propose a momentum-based decentralized policy gradient tracking (MDPGT) for multi-agent reinforcement learning.
MDPGT achieves the best available sample complexity of $mathcalO(N-1epsilon-3)$ for converging to an $epsilon-stationary point of the global average of $N$ local performance functions.
This outperforms the state-of-the-art sample complexity in decentralized model-free reinforcement learning.
- Score: 29.22173174168708
- License:
- Abstract: We propose a novel policy gradient method for multi-agent reinforcement
learning, which leverages two different variance-reduction techniques and does
not require large batches over iterations. Specifically, we propose a
momentum-based decentralized policy gradient tracking (MDPGT) where a new
momentum-based variance reduction technique is used to approximate the local
policy gradient surrogate with importance sampling, and an intermediate
parameter is adopted to track two consecutive policy gradient surrogates.
Moreover, MDPGT provably achieves the best available sample complexity of
$\mathcal{O}(N^{-1}\epsilon^{-3})$ for converging to an $\epsilon$-stationary
point of the global average of $N$ local performance functions (possibly
nonconcave). This outperforms the state-of-the-art sample complexity in
decentralized model-free reinforcement learning, and when initialized with a
single trajectory, the sample complexity matches those obtained by the existing
decentralized policy gradient methods. We further validate the theoretical
claim for the Gaussian policy function. When the required error tolerance
$\epsilon$ is small enough, MDPGT leads to a linear speed up, which has been
previously established in decentralized stochastic optimization, but not for
reinforcement learning. Lastly, we provide empirical results on a multi-agent
reinforcement learning benchmark environment to support our theoretical
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