Co-Design quantum simulation of nanoscale NMR
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- Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2022 17:22:42 GMT
- Title: Co-Design quantum simulation of nanoscale NMR
- Authors: Manuel G. Algaba, Mario Ponce-Martinez, Carlos Munuera-Javaloy,
Vicente Pina-Canelles, Manish Thapa, Bruno G. Taketani, Martin Leib, In\'es
de Vega, Jorge Casanova, Hermanni Heimonen
- Abstract summary: A noisy intermediate-scale quantum computer can be used to simulate nanoscale NMR resonances.
We propose a superconducting application-specific Co-Design quantum processor that reduces the number of SWAP gates by over 90 %.
- Score: 0.1625256372381793
- License:
- Abstract: Quantum computers have the potential to efficiently simulate the dynamics of
nanoscale NMR systems. In this work we demonstrate that a noisy
intermediate-scale quantum computer can be used to simulate and predict
nanoscale NMR resonances. In order to minimize the required gate fidelities, we
propose a superconducting application-specific Co-Design quantum processor that
reduces the number of SWAP gates by over 90 % for chips with more than 20
qubits. The processor consists of transmon qubits capacitively coupled via
tunable couplers to a central co-planar waveguide resonator with a quantum
circuit refrigerator (QCR) for fast resonator reset. The QCR implements the
non-unitary quantum operations required to simulate nuclear hyperpolarization
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