論文の概要: Private High-Dimensional Hypothesis Testing
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.01537v1
- Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2022 06:25:48 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-03-04 17:04:40.892175
- Title: Private High-Dimensional Hypothesis Testing
- Title(参考訳): プライベート高次元仮説テスト
- Authors: Shyam Narayanan
- Abstract要約: 我々は高次元分布の個人性テストのための改良された差分プライベートアルゴリズムを提供する。
具体的には、ある固定された$mu*$に対して$mathcalN(mu*, Sigma)$、または少なくとも$alpha$の総変動距離を持つ$mathcalN(mu*, Sigma)$に由来するかどうかをテストすることができる。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 4.133655523622441
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: We provide improved differentially private algorithms for identity testing of
high-dimensional distributions. Specifically, for $d$-dimensional Gaussian
distributions with known covariance $\Sigma$, we can test whether the
distribution comes from $\mathcal{N}(\mu^*, \Sigma)$ for some fixed $\mu^*$ or
from some $\mathcal{N}(\mu, \Sigma)$ with total variation distance at least
$\alpha$ from $\mathcal{N}(\mu^*, \Sigma)$ with $(\varepsilon, 0)$-differential
privacy, using only \[\tilde{O}\left(\frac{d^{1/2}}{\alpha^2} +
\frac{d^{1/3}}{\alpha^{4/3} \cdot \varepsilon^{2/3}} + \frac{1}{\alpha \cdot
\varepsilon}\right)\] samples if the algorithm is allowed to be computationally
inefficient, and only \[\tilde{O}\left(\frac{d^{1/2}}{\alpha^2} +
\frac{d^{1/4}}{\alpha \cdot \varepsilon}\right)\] samples for a computationally
efficient algorithm. We also provide a matching lower bound showing that our
computationally inefficient algorithm has optimal sample complexity. We also
extend our algorithms to various related problems, including mean testing of
Gaussians with bounded but unknown covariance, uniformity testing of product
distributions over $\{\pm 1\}^d$, and tolerant testing.
Our results improve over the previous best work of Canonne, Kamath, McMillan,
Ullman, and Zakynthinou \cite{CanonneKMUZ20} for both computationally efficient
and inefficient algorithms, and even our computationally efficient algorithm
matches the optimal \emph{non-private} sample complexity of
$O\left(\frac{\sqrt{d}}{\alpha^2}\right)$ in many standard parameter settings.
In addition, our results show that, surprisingly, private identity testing of
$d$-dimensional Gaussians can be done with fewer samples than private identity
testing of discrete distributions over a domain of size $d$ \cite{AcharyaSZ18},
which refutes a conjectured lower bound of Canonne et al. \cite{CanonneKMUZ20}.
- Abstract(参考訳): 高次元分布の同一性検証のための微分プライベートアルゴリズムの改良を提案する。
Specifically, for $d$-dimensional Gaussian distributions with known covariance $\Sigma$, we can test whether the distribution comes from $\mathcal{N}(\mu^*, \Sigma)$ for some fixed $\mu^*$ or from some $\mathcal{N}(\mu, \Sigma)$ with total variation distance at least $\alpha$ from $\mathcal{N}(\mu^*, \Sigma)$ with $(\varepsilon, 0)$-differential privacy, using only \[\tilde{O}\left(\frac{d^{1/2}}{\alpha^2} + \frac{d^{1/3}}{\alpha^{4/3} \cdot \varepsilon^{2/3}} + \frac{1}{\alpha \cdot \varepsilon}\right)\] samples if the algorithm is allowed to be computationally inefficient, and only \[\tilde{O}\left(\frac{d^{1/2}}{\alpha^2} + \frac{d^{1/4}}{\alpha \cdot \varepsilon}\right)\] samples for a computationally efficient algorithm.
またアルゴリズムを様々な関連する問題にも拡張し、有界だが未知の共分散を持つガウス平均検定、$\{\pm 1\}^d$ の積分布の均一性検定、耐性テストなどを行う。
従来の計算効率と非効率的なアルゴリズムに対するcanonne, kamath, mcmillan, ullman, zakynthinou \cite{canonnekmuz20} のベストプラクティスよりも精度が向上し,多くの標準パラメータ設定において,計算効率のよいアルゴリズムでさえ,最適な \emph{non-private} サンプル複雑性である $o\left(\frac{\sqrt{d}}{\alpha^2}\right)$ に適合する。
さらに, 意外なことに, $d$-dimensional Gaussian のプライベートアイデンティティテストは, $d$ \cite{AcharyaSZ18} の領域上の離散分布のプライベートIDテストよりも少ないサンプルで行うことができる。
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