Power-law scaling of correlations in statistically polarised nano-NMR
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11161v2
- Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2022 15:26:34 GMT
- Title: Power-law scaling of correlations in statistically polarised nano-NMR
- Authors: Nicolas Staudenmaier, Anjusha Vijayakumar-Sreeja, Santiago
Oviedo-Casado, Genko Genov, Daniel Cohen, Daniel Dulog, Thomas Unden, Nico
Striegler, Alastair Marshall, Jochen Scheuer, Christoph Findler, Johannes
Lang, Ilai Schwartz, Philipp Neumann, Alex Retzker, and Fedor Jelezko
- Abstract summary: Diffusion noise is a major source of spectral line broadening in liquid state nano-scale nuclear magnetic resonance with shallow nitrogen-vacancy centres.
We show that correlations survive for a longer time due to a power-law scaling, yielding the possibility for improved resolution.
- Score: 3.3452799833629943
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: Diffusion noise is a major source of spectral line broadening in liquid state
nano-scale nuclear magnetic resonance with shallow nitrogen-vacancy centres,
whose main consequence is a limited spectral resolution. This limitation arises
by virtue of the widely accepted assumption that nuclear spin signal
correlations decay exponentially in nano-NMR. However, a more accurate analysis
of diffusion shows that correlations survive for a longer time due to a
power-law scaling, yielding the possibility for improved resolution and
altering our understanding of diffusion at the nano-scale. Nevertheless, such
behaviour remains to be demonstrated in experiments. Using three different
experimental setups and disparate measurement techniques, we present
overwhelming evidence of power-law decay of correlations. These result in
sharp-peaked spectral lines, for which diffusion broadening need not be a
limitation to resolution.
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