Perceval: A Software Platform for Discrete Variable Photonic Quantum
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- Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2023 17:40:57 GMT
- Title: Perceval: A Software Platform for Discrete Variable Photonic Quantum
- Authors: Nicolas Heurtel, Andreas Fyrillas, Gr\'egoire de Gliniasty, Rapha\"el
Le Bihan, S\'ebastien Malherbe, Marceau Pailhas, Eric Bertasi, Boris
Bourdoncle, Pierre-Emmanuel Emeriau, Rawad Mezher, Luka Music, Nadia Belabas,
Beno\^it Valiron, Pascale Senellart, Shane Mansfield, and Jean Senellart
- Abstract summary: We introduce Perceval, an open-source software platform for simulating and interfacing with discrete-variable photonic quantum computers.
Its Python front-end allows photonic circuits to be composed from basic photonic building blocks like photon sources, beam splitters, phase-shifters and detectors.
We give examples of Perceval in action by reproducing a variety of photonic experiments and simulating photonic implementations of a range of quantum algorithms.
- Score: 1.3767989047174227
- License:
- Abstract: We introduce Perceval, an open-source software platform for simulating and
interfacing with discrete-variable photonic quantum computers, and describe its
main features and components. Its Python front-end allows photonic circuits to
be composed from basic photonic building blocks like photon sources, beam
splitters, phase-shifters and detectors. A variety of computational back-ends
are available and optimised for different use-cases. These use state-of-the-art
simulation techniques covering both weak simulation, or sampling, and strong
simulation. We give examples of Perceval in action by reproducing a variety of
photonic experiments and simulating photonic implementations of a range of
quantum algorithms, from Grover's and Shor's to examples of quantum machine
learning. Perceval is intended to be a useful toolkit for experimentalists
wishing to easily model, design, simulate, or optimise a discrete-variable
photonic experiment, for theoreticians wishing to design algorithms and
applications for discrete-variable photonic quantum computing platforms, and
for application designers wishing to evaluate algorithms on available
state-of-the-art photonic quantum computers.
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