PGADA: Perturbation-Guided Adversarial Alignment for Few-shot Learning
Under the Support-Query Shift
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- Date: Sun, 8 May 2022 09:15:58 GMT
- Title: PGADA: Perturbation-Guided Adversarial Alignment for Few-shot Learning
Under the Support-Query Shift
- Authors: Siyang Jiang, Wei Ding, Hsi-Wen Chen, Ming-Syan Chen
- Abstract summary: Few-shot learning methods aim to embed the data to a low-dimensional embedding space and then classify the unseen query data to the seen support set.
We find that the small perturbations in the images would significantly misguide the optimal transportation and thus degrade the model performance.
To relieve the misalignment, we first propose a novel adversarial data augmentation method, namely Perturbation-Guided Adrial Alignment (PGADA)
- Score: 10.730615481992515
- License:
- Abstract: Few-shot learning methods aim to embed the data to a low-dimensional
embedding space and then classify the unseen query data to the seen support
set. While these works assume that the support set and the query set lie in the
same embedding space, a distribution shift usually occurs between the support
set and the query set, i.e., the Support-Query Shift, in the real world. Though
optimal transportation has shown convincing results in aligning different
distributions, we find that the small perturbations in the images would
significantly misguide the optimal transportation and thus degrade the model
performance. To relieve the misalignment, we first propose a novel adversarial
data augmentation method, namely Perturbation-Guided Adversarial Alignment
(PGADA), which generates the hard examples in a self-supervised manner. In
addition, we introduce Regularized Optimal Transportation to derive a smooth
optimal transportation plan. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets
manifest that our framework significantly outperforms the eleven
state-of-the-art methods on three datasets.
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