Thermodynamics of Permutation-Invariant Quantum Many-Body Systems: A
Group-Theoretical Framework
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- Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 09:47:58 GMT
- Title: Thermodynamics of Permutation-Invariant Quantum Many-Body Systems: A
Group-Theoretical Framework
- Authors: Benjamin Yadin, Benjamin Morris, Kay Brandner
- Abstract summary: Quantum systems of indistinguishable particles are commonly described using the formalism of second quantisation.
Coherence-induced many-body effects such as superradiance can arise even in systems whose constituents are not fundamentally indistinguishable.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Quantum systems of indistinguishable particles are commonly described using
the formalism of second quantisation, which relies on the assumption that any
admissible quantum state must be either symmetric or anti-symmetric under
particle permutations. Coherence-induced many-body effects such as
superradiance, however, can arise even in systems whose constituents are not
fundamentally indistinguishable as long as all relevant dynamical observables
are permutation-invariant. Such systems are not confined to symmetric or
anti-symmetric states and therefore require a different theoretical approach.
Focusing on non-interacting systems, here we combine tools from representation
theory and thermodynamically consistent master equations to develop such a
framework. We characterise the structure and properties of the steady states
emerging in permutation-invariant ensembles of arbitrary multi-level systems
that are collectively weakly coupled to a thermal environment. As an
application of our general theory, we further explore how these states can in
principle be used to enhance the performance of quantum thermal machines. Our
group-theoretical framework thereby makes it possible to analyse various
limiting cases that would not be accessible otherwise. In addition, it allows
us to show that the properties of multi-level ensembles differ qualitatively
from those of spin ensembles, which have been investigated earlier using the
standard Clebsch-Gordan theory. Our results have a large scope for future
generalisations and pave the way for systematic investigations of collective
effects arising from permutation-invariance in quantum thermodynamics.
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