論文の概要: Bounding the Width of Neural Networks via Coupled Initialization -- A
Worst Case Analysis
- arxiv url: http://arxiv.org/abs/2206.12802v1
- Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2022 06:51:31 GMT
- ステータス: 処理完了
- システム内更新日: 2022-06-28 14:23:10.582689
- Title: Bounding the Width of Neural Networks via Coupled Initialization -- A
Worst Case Analysis
- Title(参考訳): 結合初期化によるニューラルネットワークの幅の境界 -- 最悪のケース解析
- Authors: Alexander Munteanu, Simon Omlor, Zhao Song, David P. Woodruff
- Abstract要約: 2層ReLUネットワークに必要なニューロン数を著しく削減する方法を示す。
- 参考スコア(独自算出の注目度): 121.9821494461427
- License: http://arxiv.org/licenses/nonexclusive-distrib/1.0/
- Abstract: A common method in training neural networks is to initialize all the weights
to be independent Gaussian vectors. We observe that by instead initializing the
weights into independent pairs, where each pair consists of two identical
Gaussian vectors, we can significantly improve the convergence analysis. While
a similar technique has been studied for random inputs [Daniely, NeurIPS 2020],
it has not been analyzed with arbitrary inputs. Using this technique, we show
how to significantly reduce the number of neurons required for two-layer ReLU
networks, both in the under-parameterized setting with logistic loss, from
roughly $\gamma^{-8}$ [Ji and Telgarsky, ICLR 2020] to $\gamma^{-2}$, where
$\gamma$ denotes the separation margin with a Neural Tangent Kernel, as well as
in the over-parameterized setting with squared loss, from roughly $n^4$ [Song
and Yang, 2019] to $n^2$, implicitly also improving the recent running time
bound of [Brand, Peng, Song and Weinstein, ITCS 2021]. For the
under-parameterized setting we also prove new lower bounds that improve upon
prior work, and that under certain assumptions, are best possible.
- Abstract(参考訳): ニューラルネットワークを訓練する一般的な方法は、すべての重みを独立ガウスベクトルに初期化することである。
同様の手法がランダムな入力 [Daniely, NeurIPS 2020] に対して研究されているが、任意の入力では分析されていない。
Using this technique, we show how to significantly reduce the number of neurons required for two-layer ReLU networks, both in the under-parameterized setting with logistic loss, from roughly $\gamma^{-8}$ [Ji and Telgarsky, ICLR 2020] to $\gamma^{-2}$, where $\gamma$ denotes the separation margin with a Neural Tangent Kernel, as well as in the over-parameterized setting with squared loss, from roughly $n^4$ [Song and Yang, 2019] to $n^2$, implicitly also improving the recent running time bound of [Brand, Peng, Song and Weinstein, ITCS 2021].
- Enhanced Feature Learning via Regularisation: Integrating Neural Networks and Kernel Methods [0.0]
我々はBrownian Kernel Neural Network (BKerNN) と呼ばれる推定器の効率的な手法を提案する。
BKerNNの予測リスクは、O(min((d/n)1/2, n-1/6)$(対数因子まで)の明示的な高い確率で最小限のリスクに収束することを示す。
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トレーニング損失数は$m=Omega(log4 (n))$ニューロンとニューロンを最小化する。
m=Omega(log4 (n))$のニューロンと$Tapprox n$で、テスト損失のトレーニングを$tildeO (1/)$に制限します。
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2層ネットワークにおける第1層パラメータ $boldsymbolW$ の勾配降下ステップについて検討した。
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本稿では, $ell_$-regularized logistics regression のための単純な投影ニューラルネットワークを提案する。
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学習者が生成モデル$Y = langle X,w* rangle + epsilon$から$n$のサンプルにアクセスできるような高次元頑健な線形回帰問題について検討する。
i) $X$ is L4-L2 hypercontractive, $mathbbE [XXtop]$ has bounded condition number and $epsilon$ has bounded variance, (ii) $X$ is sub-Gaussian with identity second moment and $epsilon$ is
論文 参考訳(メタデータ) (2020-07-16T06:44:44Z)