Physical Interaction and Manipulation of the Environment using Aerial
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- Date: Wed, 6 Jul 2022 13:15:10 GMT
- Title: Physical Interaction and Manipulation of the Environment using Aerial
- Authors: Azarakhsh Keipour
- Abstract summary: The physical interaction of aerial robots with their environment has countless potential applications and is an emerging area with many open challenges.
fully-actuated multirotors have been introduced to tackle some of these challenges.
They provide complete control over position and orientation and eliminate the need for attaching a multi-DoF manipulation arm to the robot.
However, there are many open problems before they can be used in real-world applications.
- Score: 1.370633147306388
- License:
- Abstract: The physical interaction of aerial robots with their environment has
countless potential applications and is an emerging area with many open
challenges. Fully-actuated multirotors have been introduced to tackle some of
these challenges. They provide complete control over position and orientation
and eliminate the need for attaching a multi-DoF manipulation arm to the robot.
However, there are many open problems before they can be used in real-world
applications. Researchers have introduced some methods for physical interaction
in limited settings. Their experiments primarily use prototype-level software
without an efficient path to integration with real-world applications. We
describe a new cost-effective solution for integrating these robots with the
existing software and hardware flight systems for real-world applications and
expand it to physical interaction applications. On the other hand, the existing
control approaches for fully-actuated robots assume conservative limits for the
thrusts and moments available to the robot. Using conservative assumptions for
these already-inefficient robots makes their interactions even less optimal and
may even result in many feasible physical interaction applications becoming
infeasible. This work proposes a real-time method for estimating the complete
set of instantaneously available forces and moments that robots can use to
optimize their physical interaction performance. Finally, many real-world
applications where aerial robots can improve the existing manual solutions deal
with deformable objects. However, the perception and planning for their
manipulation is still challenging. This research explores how aerial physical
interaction can be extended to deformable objects. It provides a detection
method suitable for manipulating deformable one-dimensional objects and
introduces a new perspective on planning the manipulation of these objects.
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