Physical Pooling Functions in Graph Neural Networks for Molecular
Property Prediction
- URL:
- Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2022 20:24:19 GMT
- Title: Physical Pooling Functions in Graph Neural Networks for Molecular
Property Prediction
- Authors: Artur M. Schweidtmann, Jan G. Rittig, Jana M. Weber, Martin Grohe,
Manuel Dahmen, Kai Leonhard, Alexander Mitsos
- Abstract summary: Graph neural networks (GNNs) are emerging in chemical engineering for the end-to-end learning of physicochemical properties based on molecular graphs.
A key element of GNNs is the pooling function which combines atom feature vectors into molecular fingerprints.
We show that the use of physical pooling functions significantly enhances generalization.
- Score: 54.28948205388247
- License:
- Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) are emerging in chemical engineering for the
end-to-end learning of physicochemical properties based on molecular graphs. A
key element of GNNs is the pooling function which combines atom feature vectors
into molecular fingerprints. Most previous works use a standard pooling
function to predict a variety of properties. However, unsuitable pooling
functions can lead to unphysical GNNs that poorly generalize. We compare and
select meaningful GNN pooling methods based on physical knowledge about the
learned properties. The impact of physical pooling functions is demonstrated
with molecular properties calculated from quantum mechanical computations. We
also compare our results to the recent set2set pooling approach. We recommend
using sum pooling for the prediction of properties that depend on molecular
size and compare pooling functions for properties that are molecular
size-independent. Overall, we show that the use of physical pooling functions
significantly enhances generalization.
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