Building Robust Machine Learning Models for Small Chemical Science Data:
The Case of Shear Viscosity
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- Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2022 07:33:14 GMT
- Title: Building Robust Machine Learning Models for Small Chemical Science Data:
The Case of Shear Viscosity
- Authors: Nikhil V. S. Avula and Shivanand K. Veesam and Sudarshan Behera and
Sundaram Balasubramanian
- Abstract summary: We train several Machine Learning models to predict the shear viscosity of a Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid.
Specifically, the issues related to model selection, performance estimation and uncertainty quantification were investigated.
- Score: 3.4761212729163313
- License:
- Abstract: Shear viscosity, though being a fundamental property of all liquids, is
computationally expensive to estimate from equilibrium molecular dynamics
simulations. Recently, Machine Learning (ML) methods have been used to augment
molecular simulations in many contexts, thus showing promise to estimate
viscosity too in a relatively inexpensive manner. However, ML methods face
significant challenges like overfitting when the size of the data set is small,
as is the case with viscosity. In this work, we train several ML models to
predict the shear viscosity of a Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid, with particular
emphasis on addressing issues arising from a small data set. Specifically, the
issues related to model selection, performance estimation and uncertainty
quantification were investigated. First, we show that the widely used
performance estimation procedure of using a single unseen data set shows a wide
variability on small data sets. In this context, the common practice of using
Cross validation (CV) to select the hyperparameters (model selection) can be
adapted to estimate the generalization error (performance estimation) as well.
We compare two simple CV procedures for their ability to do both model
selection and performance estimation, and find that k-fold CV based procedure
shows a lower variance of error estimates. We discuss the role of performance
metrics in training and evaluation. Finally, Gaussian Process Regression (GPR)
and ensemble methods were used to estimate the uncertainty on individual
predictions. The uncertainty estimates from GPR were also used to construct an
applicability domain using which the ML models provided more reliable
predictions on another small data set generated in this work. Overall, the
procedures prescribed in this work, together, lead to robust ML models for
small data sets.
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