Non-Gaussian Process Regression
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- Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2022 13:08:22 GMT
- Title: Non-Gaussian Process Regression
- Authors: Yaman K{\i}ndap and Simon Godsill
- Abstract summary: We extend the GP framework into a new class of time-changed GPs that allow for straightforward modelling of heavy-tailed non-Gaussian behaviours.
We present Markov chain Monte Carlo inference procedures for this model and demonstrate the potential benefits.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: Standard GPs offer a flexible modelling tool for well-behaved processes.
However, deviations from Gaussianity are expected to appear in real world
datasets, with structural outliers and shocks routinely observed. In these
cases GPs can fail to model uncertainty adequately and may over-smooth
inferences. Here we extend the GP framework into a new class of time-changed
GPs that allow for straightforward modelling of heavy-tailed non-Gaussian
behaviours, while retaining a tractable conditional GP structure through an
infinite mixture of non-homogeneous GPs representation. The conditional GP
structure is obtained by conditioning the observations on a latent transformed
input space and the random evolution of the latent transformation is modelled
using a L\'{e}vy process which allows Bayesian inference in both the posterior
predictive density and the latent transformation function. We present Markov
chain Monte Carlo inference procedures for this model and demonstrate the
potential benefits compared to a standard GP.
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