Unsupervised representation learning with recognition-parametrised
probabilistic models
- URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2209.05661v2
- Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 13:01:11 GMT
- Title: Unsupervised representation learning with recognition-parametrised
probabilistic models
- Authors: William I.Walker, Hugo Soulat, Changmin Yu, Maneesh Sahani
- Abstract summary: We introduce a new approach to probabilistic unsupervised learning based on the recognition-parametrised model ( RPM)
Under the key assumption that observations are conditionally independent given latents, the RPM combines parametric prior observation-conditioned latent distributions with non-parametric observationfactors.
The RPM provides a powerful framework to discover meaningful latent structure underlying observational data, a function critical to both animal and artificial intelligence.
- Score: 12.865596223775649
- License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
- Abstract: We introduce a new approach to probabilistic unsupervised learning based on
the recognition-parametrised model (RPM): a normalised semi-parametric
hypothesis class for joint distributions over observed and latent variables.
Under the key assumption that observations are conditionally independent given
latents, the RPM combines parametric prior and observation-conditioned latent
distributions with non-parametric observation marginals. This approach leads to
a flexible learnt recognition model capturing latent dependence between
observations, without the need for an explicit, parametric generative model.
The RPM admits exact maximum-likelihood learning for discrete latents, even for
powerful neural-network-based recognition. We develop effective approximations
applicable in the continuous-latent case. Experiments demonstrate the
effectiveness of the RPM on high-dimensional data, learning image
classification from weak indirect supervision; direct image-level latent
Dirichlet allocation; and recognition-parametrised Gaussian process factor
analysis (RP-GPFA) applied to multi-factorial spatiotemporal datasets. The RPM
provides a powerful framework to discover meaningful latent structure
underlying observational data, a function critical to both animal and
artificial intelligence.
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