Signatures of fractional statistics in nonlinear pump-probe spectroscopy
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- Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2024 17:29:17 GMT
- Title: Signatures of fractional statistics in nonlinear pump-probe spectroscopy
- Authors: Max McGinley, Michele Fava, S. A. Parameswaran
- Abstract summary: We show that the presence of anyons in the excitation spectrum of a two-dimensional system can be inferred from nonlinear spectroscopic quantities.
In magnetic systems, the signal of interest can be measured using currently available terahertz-domain probes.
- Score: 0.0
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- Abstract: We show that the presence of anyons in the excitation spectrum of a
two-dimensional system can be inferred from nonlinear spectroscopic quantities.
In particular, we consider pump-probe spectroscopy, where a sample is
irradiated by two light pulses with an adjustable time delay between them. The
relevant response coefficient exhibits a universal form that originates from
the statistical phase acquired when anyons created by the first pulse braid
around those created by the second. This behaviour is shown to be qualitatively
unchanged by non-universal physics including non-statistical interactions and
small nonzero temperatures. In magnetic systems, the signal of interest can be
measured using currently available terahertz-domain probes, highlighting the
potential usefulness of nonlinear spectroscopic techniques in the search for
quantum spin liquids.
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